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Order of installation? (help pls)

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In the DFI manual for the order of installation of things says:


1. Audio driver


2. Chipset Driver


3. Other drivers



Angry games says:


1. chipset drivers


2. Windows 2000/XP Critical updates


3. Video Card Drivers


4. Audio card drivers/periphial drivers




What to do ???

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Do AG's way. I can't believe the manual says that actually...I've always first done chipset drivers before anything else! ...you should even install latest directX before installing your audio and video drivers. ;)

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Yes, I would tend to agree with AG's way.


However, I like to install first the nvidia ethernet driver first, not any of the other chipset drivers. Get connected to the internet via lan. then install any os updates. then install the full set of chipset drivers after updates to the os have taken. rest is the same. Just my preference.


EDIT: Yes, that is a VERY important point. Make sure you install a virus software and spyware before even venturing to the internet. I currently use Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition ver 10.0. The prog and defs push to the clients which is VERY nice.


I also use Webroot Spysweeper Enterprise Edition. This is one better than symantec because the defs and prog also push to client, but the defs also update themselves automatically and I am sent an email when new updates have happened. Nice, very nice. I'm VERY please w/ that software and no probs here w/ any spyware.

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I agree. AG's way. I always unplug the internet cord until I'm ready to do the network drivers, then immediatly get windows updates, while that's downloading get your virus protection with updates.

Just a little protection in case you get hacked or trojaned or get a virus before you have the chance to get all the proper updates for windows and anti-virus updates.

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I agree. AG's way. I always unplug the internet cord until I'm ready to do the network drivers, then immediatly get windows updates, while that's downloading get your virus protection with updates.

Just a little protection in case you get hacked or trojaned or get a virus before you have the chance to get all the proper updates for windows and anti-virus updates.

Chances are slim I'm sure, but I have heard of people getting viruses before they had the chance to get the anti-virus installed.

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I agree. AG's way. I always unplug the internet cord until I'm ready to do the network drivers, then immediatly get windows updates, while that's downloading get your virus protection with updates.

Just a little protection in case you get hacked or trojaned or get a virus before you have the chance to get all the proper updates for windows and anti-virus updates.

Chances are slim I'm sure, but I have heard of people getting viruses before they had the chance to get the anti-virus installed.



I have yet to see an instlation NOT get infected while getting updates if you DO not have a firewall or router in place before getting window updates..Never never go to windows update with out some protection..

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Guest bobyjo

Here's the way I do it. Been doing this way for a long time and have no problems, so not gonna change till I have to.


#1 Install Windows

#2 install chipset drivers everything

#3 install sound card drivers,virus,spyware,everything that chipset dr. did not get

#4 If system is running well and the device mge is clean. Install video drivers.

#5 If everything is still running super, install aps, games, whatever you like.

#6 If you have Diskeeper or something of that order. Run it and clean up drives.



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Hi Just to let you know I Have my sons old dell reformatted the hd and went on the web Not only did i get virus I got a worm and a backdoor trojan horse also was hijacked Now the whole system is corruped I even tryed a clean install and still have problems. always use protection.

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Guest bobyjo

I had the same thing happen about a month ago. While I was installing XP I was connected to the broadband IP.


I had to dig out my hard drive utilities and boot up on the floppy disk. I performed a lowlevel format. That cleared out the boot sector, everything. Took half a day to get back up, this time I disconnected the IP connection before installing everything.


As soon as I had XP and all the drivers, anti virus, and spyware etc all installed.

I hooked back up to the web. Did the windows updates.


The format was the only way I could get back up. It was that or replace the hard drive.

I had a trogen horse from somewhere, this thing redirected every webpage to somewhere I had never seen. I could not get rid of this thing except the format.

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