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DFI Lanparty S939 NF3 Ultra -TWEAKS

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I hade spare time and I tried that 711 BIOS, to compare to 824. Damn, that 711 is buggy as heck. At my rig anyway. Corrupts BIOS every fifth boot and I have to clear CMOS every time.

I would still recommend 824 BIOS for San Diego core ja those BIOS files above that are for Opterons. 711 is probably the best BIOS for Venice (all this was said before somewhere by someone at this forum, but can't remember where - sry).


Darn, I'll have a long evening ahead - got to flash BIOS back to 824. No problems with that (ran something like 6 months and no problems)...



im using the 711 bios whats better with the 824 for sandiego cores and is the c19 the same as the 824.

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I've got one but it's still running flawlessly with my X2 4200 and x800xtpe. :) Sorry, I don't have any need to sell it though. ;)


where can i get one of these ? Anyone wanna sell theirs ?

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that the reason I want I am more then happy with my Video Card and my DDR that I have only thing I can see is a dual core to help me out a little longer because i dont want to get a new video card atm cuz of DX10 and DDR 2 prices are too high ATM.....And also 939 dual cores are cheap atm.....I might just have to settle for a MSI Neo 2 PLT nForce 3 AGP mobo if I cant get the DFI anymore :mad:

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that the reason I want I am more then happy with my Video Card and my DDR that I have only thing I can see is a dual core to help me out a little longer because i dont want to get a new video card atm cuz of DX10 and DDR 2 prices are too high ATM.....And also 939 dual cores are cheap atm.....I might just have to settle for a MSI Neo 2 PLT nForce 3 AGP mobo if I cant get the DFI anymore :mad:


Ewwwwwwwwww...MSI :eek: You are two weeks too late in purchasing my NF3 UD...


I'd stick with what you've got and wait around awhile till DDR2 starts to fall and then start looking to upgrade. That way you can be saving up some cash and make a serious upgrade to newer tech. Just my .02 cents...

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Hi @ all,


I have some trouble with my new DFi Lanparty NF-3 Ultra.

Today I buildt up my system and installed my Windows.

After installing the Realtek audio driver, i wanted to the the sound.

But I can not hear something.

The Speakers are ok, i tested them with another Audio Source.

Can you tell mw whtas wrong with my Board?

Which Driver I should install?

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Hi @ all,


I have some trouble with my new DFi Lanparty NF-3 Ultra.

Today I buildt up my system and installed my Windows.

After installing the Realtek audio driver, i wanted to the the sound.

But I can not hear something.

The Speakers are ok, i tested them with another Audio Source.

Can you tell mw whtas wrong with my Board?

Which Driver I should install?


For starters, put together a signature with your complete system specs so folks can better help you...


And just to confirm, this is an NF3 Ultra D 939 board not the NF3 250gb socket 754..?

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My Config:


DFI Lanparty UT NF3 Ultra D (Socket 939)

Athlon 64 Venice 3000+

2x512MB Corsair Old BH-5 (In the yellow Slots)

X800 XT PE

36GB Raptor



I have already new installed my Windows.

Which Driver is the best?

The Realtek or the Nvidia?

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Hey Sapphire,


It appears I have the same mobo, but I have not seen this error before. Have you verified the speakers are plugged into the correct connector (It should be the green one)? Silly question, but sometimes it happens.


Verify the settings in your sound options under control panel (double click the speaker next to your clock)...make sure the slider bars are not muted or they are selected to your configuration.


I cant think of much more...


Please let us know what you discover!

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  • 3 weeks later...



Have you checked whether the jumpers on your motherboard are set correctly?

I had exactly the same problem and i found out the jumpers where missing.



I also have a question about my DFI motherboard. My 3700+ can be overclocked. I have managed to get it stable at 273 x 11 = 3003Mhz with 1.55 Vcore (about 1.52 according to bios/speedfan). I am still using bios 7/11 and I have read that people who have a San Diego core get the best results with bios 8/15 Beta or 8/24 Beta.

I also have read that there where a lot of problems concerning this bios and my warranty will be void if i use this bios.

Will I get a significant improvement using a beta bios instead of the 7/11 bios?


Do i have to increase my chipset voltage if i want to get HTT of 300 or higher stable?


Is there any way to get Sata Ports 1 & 2 locked ?

Im planning on getting raid 0 on ports 3 & 4 and a storage hdd on the other sata ports.

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Do i have to increase my chipset voltage if i want to get HTT of 300 or higher stable?


I can it a stable HTT of 300 only with 512MB :mad: with a chipste voltage of 1.75V


Is there any way to get Sata Ports 1 & 2 locked ?

Im planning on getting raid 0 on ports 3 & 4 and a storage hdd on the other sata ports.


SATA Ports 1 & 2 aren't locked, 3 & 4 are locked.

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