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HELP!! Can't find CPC Enable Option in 3/10/2005 BIOS on nF4 SLI-DR

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Did the new bios fix your problem including the ultra low bandwidth at 860MB/s? The 310 bios locks CPC enabled (1T) but this should help the mempry performance. Don't know why the JP17 is at 2-3 positon for your Plat Rev2 TCCD memory.


Thanks suio for checking back..yes CPC option is now fixed. I am updating my build thread w/ new pix and questions...please check that. I will close this thread as the problem is resolved.


Here's the link to my thread:


NF4 SLI-DR w/ San Diego 3700+: Help New Build Begins...[MODEM ALERT]





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Did the new bios fix your problem including the ultra low bandwidth at 860MB/s? The 310 bios locks CPC enabled (1T) but this should help the mempry performance. Don't know why the JP17 is at 2-3 positon for your Plat Rev2 TCCD memory.



could argue about the jumper setting. when in 1-2 it runs off 3.3V rail and if you stress mem it drops .1-.2Vdimm during stress. thats why people whose mem runs great @ 3.2V when they are on 2-3 jumper setting, doesnt run as good @ 3.2V on 1-2 jumper setting. its similar to the vdimm drop you see with a booster.hence i always have run my vx on 2-3 setting even though they only need 3.2V for 260MHz and they are fine(over 6 months and no probs at all).


ive seen similar things running some ocz pc4800 @ 2.9V on 1-2 setting. couldnt get stable above 300MHz whereas @ 2.9V on 2-3 i could get to 315MHz.

screw safety, if that was paramount then why overclock everything and voltmod gfx cards etc? ;)

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