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WARNING about bios bug in 7/04 beta bios

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Yeah, 704-3 is the only bios thus far in which my dividers actually work. Also the bios that gave me my most stable overclock of 2860MHz! Previous max stable OC was 2805MHz with 623-2. I really hope a revision gets here before I get my new ram!

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I am confident DFI understands the items you listed above. Issuing an official bios is a rather complicated BUSINESS decision for DFI. How many people are using dual core CPUs right now? As long as you stay with certain types of memory (eg. OCZ), you won't have compatibility issues.


On the contrary to what you said, I feel that when DFI (or any other manufacturer) does not give specific warnings on their site, a customer is totally in his right when he assumesexpects that A-brand guality parts will work flawlessly whilst not overclocked. (In my book AMD and G.skill are A brand manufacturers which use common chips (TCCD) etc. )


Or should I, before I buy, go through all kinds of forums to see whether I can find a guy who has exactly the same setup as I am planning to buy and confirms that it works? Or check which parts do work regardlessly of what I am planning to buy.

And what if one is one of the first to buy a recently launched board? Not much data out there I quess…


Really, its up to the manufacturer to test all kinds of memory and cpu’s in different combinations to see what works. This process should continue during the period the board is on sale. The outcome of this process should be: Final bioses. They should debug non-oc'd parts, not the customer. Furthermore, they could mention specifically what does work.


OC’ing is a different ballpark off course. There are no guarantees there, and I accept that. (Allthough one could argue this as well when a company markets a board as “an oc board”.)


I’ll stick to the 704-3 for now since it seems to run:

a) my mem sticks in dual channel

B) stable

Just have to make sure that I do not accidentally use one of the false settings.




Don’t get me wrong here. I really do appreciate all the hard work mr. Oskar Wu and others put in place to bring us updated bioses etc. Only they are beta and therefore no guarantees are given when your rig gets screwed. It always feels good to know that an important engineer is in contact with the community himself. This is positive for the company. Speaking of the company, it’s up to DFI as a whole to bring their customers a stable final bios. Come’on 310 is 4 months old……



I don’t understand how the 615 made final and slipped through since it had a very nasty USB bug which affected me as well. Seems to me this bug is to obvious to be missed.

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Thanks for the what not to do details Oskar!!!!!


That's all I wanted to know! :) The 7/4's are the most stable and highest OCing Bioses I've been able to find. Having a bit of know lets me feel safer in continuing to use them!


Keep up the good work. Look forward to trying the next update. :) Woot.



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F.Y.I. from the DFI beta download site:



The BIOS and Drivers in this section are still under evaluation. Please be advised that warranty will be voided for any damages caused by these BIOS/Drivers on your system and DFI is not liable for such damages."

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F.Y.I. from the DFI beta download site:



The BIOS and Drivers in this section are still under evaluation. Please be advised that warranty will be voided for any damages caused by these BIOS/Drivers on your system and DFI is not liable for such damages."


We understand this completely - nobody is disputing the state of the BIOS's... but as far as I can say... the 310 official BIOS is quite poor especially when it comes to memory compatibility, and this forces people to update to a BETA BIOS as required.


It has come to my attention that, like me, alot of people are (or in my case, were, until my CPU got destroyed by the VID bug), having alot of success with the 704 BIOS. Not only has this BIOS fixed so many memory issues for both UTT/TCCD-based modules, it has support for X2 chips, and consequently I feel it is a good base BIOS for DFI to work on an official release. I firmly beleive less than half of overclockers who use the DFI board are using the last official BIOS...


Not to mention that it seems other manufacturers don't have problems with a wide range of memory without the need to tweak up timings/play with BIOS's. Don't get me wrong - I understand the DFI is a tweakers' board, which is why I bought it, and have enjoyed tweaking it, until my CPU got fried because of the BIOS.

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OK actually now that we're talking about official BIOS's, here is my next question - what if an official BIOS had the same bug as this 704 BIOS? It seems all too possible that such a problem could be overseen during testing.


And so lets say this 704 BIOS was released as an OFFICIAL, and people were having their CPUs fried, is DFI obligated to replace their CPUs, if AMD's RMA system refuses to replace the CPU, since it had died because of overvoltage (which in this case is what the BIOS can do)? I understand AMD do not cover CPUs that have been subjected to increased voltages - if there is any way for them to diagnose and come to that conclusion.

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And so lets say this 704 BIOS was released as an OFFICIAL, and people were having their CPUs fried, is DFI obligated to replace their CPUs, if AMD's RMA system refuses to replace the CPU, since it had died because of overvoltage (which in this case is what the BIOS can do)?


Overclocking is not supported by warranty. If you use more than the stock default voltage, you are out of official warranty coverage as there is no reason to use anything but stock voltages on a stock setup.


we try to test the bioses for all sorts of problems but sometimes one slips through. As an enthusiast/overclocker, you already know it is your risk and responsibility once you go beyond what the hardware is warranted for (AMD warrants their cpu's @ rated speeds + stock voltage, DFI warrants the boards for stock use even though they have multiple overclocking options).


don't get mad at me for saying this. This is the official company line. Talk to any company and they will say the same thing. They warrant the product for whatever speed/voltage it comes in the package with, nothing more.

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