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Why Are So Many People Who Play Online A-holes?


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What I really want to know is why, why, why, do people with severe anti social tendencies choose to parrticipate in things that are intensely social.


Let me list some examples:


1. The Team Killing B4stard: This lovely person chooses to amuse them selve by nukiong your whole team witha rocket laucher every time you spawn. and even worse if kicked they will come back witha different name and keep doing it.


2. The Elitist: these are the people who ridicule those who are new to the game and are still learning how to do things. Instead of maybe making a suggestion to the struggling nube they curse them out and then kick them from th server. Oh what fun. These people most often belong to clans, which must be their only social life if their online behavior is anything like their real life behavior.


3. the Name Copier: this is a person who steals the name of someone on the apposing team I suppose in a attempt to sow confusion among th ranks or some other retarded idea they have. All they really do is just annoy the piss out of every one.


4. The Complainer/Whiner: This person gets mad at you for accidentally killing them when they walk over your carefully layed minefield or walk right into your Artillary Barrage / airstrike So they lodge a complaints against you untill either you lose your exp. or get kicked from the server for to many complaints. (this one is pretty RTCW related)


I cant think of any more types at the moment but there are others if you know one please post.

Now before anyone gets mad, I know not all clans are full of stupid a-holes. But there are alot of them out there. The other day i was 2 stars from making general and some . on the opposing team who was a member of the clan hosting the server didn't like my comment that spawn killing is a lame tactic. That is ALL I SAID, "...spawn killing is weak." and i got kicked. Thats just BS.


Any ways if anyone would care to comment or maybe explain this rampant rudeness and immaturaty I would appreciate it.


j5 out

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I agree 100%.


I play RTCW-ET. The level with the anti-tank guns. Anyways, laying mines around the 3 entrances (main ones) and 2 guys would walk over them. Then they would file and say it was my fault. Ended up spawning with 1 having a rocket launcher and one just shooting at me. Pisses you off. You try and win by putting mines...or try getting out of spawn, and boom your TK'd. Now, I DO FILE a complaint when I am a covert ops and wearing the other teams suit then get killed, that pisses me off worse.


Also on the beach level when your axis and they go down on the friggin beach! Why would you do that and let covert ops take your suit and get in to destroy gun??? Also the teamates that open the door thinking they can kill the guys by himself and ends up with a panzer in his . and then allies get in and destory gun.

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i guess its because most people dont know where the other one lives.....if most people on the internet knew where others lived...they wouldnt run their mouth as much in fear of someone beating the living crap out of them...there are some that i would love to do that too on the cs server that i play on.

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Thats true.


I also don't get what is with the intimidation thing that goes on. the complaint system in RTCW : ET is supposed to help control this problem but if you use it the person you complained against starts making empty threats and then trys to vote you off the sever or attempts to hunt youdown for the rest of the game with a panzerfaust.


the other day a person who i had seen in one previous game and had never interacted with started following me and shooting me ,btw we ere on the same team while i was trying to launch an air strike on the opposing team i turned arround and killed him be cause i thought he was covert ops, it turned out he was justa TKing Bastard first he started doing in constantly then he started calling votes every 5 seconds to kick me. WHAT THE F WAS HIS PROBLEM I see crap like this every day its almost enough to make me quit playing online. Its that irritating.


j5 out

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I play cs alot, and just got into a clan, [akb] which is the coolest clan cause they hate haxors and love everyone regardless of skill. the kind of people i hate are

1. people who think theyre cs gods cause they own newbs

2. people the only use an awp and then camp the whole round

3. people who intentionally flashbang theyre own team.

4. people who block people when theyre trying to run back for cover


The only reason people are dummies online is like systematic said, they cant see u so they think they can get away with acting all big and tuff. Id like to see someone do that to someones face.

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in RTCW I get killed all the time be cause people will block door or narrow points and wont move it is irritating as hell your trying to clear the spawn point fast because the enemy is shelling it with mortars and artillary and some dip is just standing in the door blocking everyone at least in the single player you could kick people and the would move you cant do that in multi. I mean with your foot not from th server



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here is a type i hate

the blabbermouth dumbfu@k-He won't shut up especially when he dies he has to blame everyone and like last night when i was playing he would tell people where i was on the map so they could kill me he really pissed me off. the other night some a-hole was being a loudmouth about some dude cheating becuz he kept killing him i finally got sick of hearing him whine so i started talking crap to him and telling him to shut up and play. eventually he was saying something to the effect of it's a good thing i don't know where you live i would kick your ..... so i typed in my name and address and said just bring it :D he didn't say another word after that :lol::lol::D

lol it was great. this post was a good idea whomever started it good stress relief almost like online gaming therapy.... you could be on to somethin here lol j/k

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i used to play Cs but im on dial up so it never worked the well, the main game i used to play online was Delta Force 2 i ended up quiting that after they found out how to cheat (infinite ammo/full auto grenade launcher) if you want to dominate somthing do it the right way, work at it.

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i would say a large percentage of these people are the typical 14yr old kid who is scrawny, or an outcast, and gets ridiculed in school, or by "friends"


this is a place where we are all on an equal playing field, and they can get vengance, without really hurting anyone


remember columbine? i would prefer a ton of disturbed internet users to even one that does it for real


remember this is a game, not real life, but i totally agree with JonnyS, I am 27yrs old and have a wife and daughter and have very limited time for gaming, and when i do it is VERY annoying that I cannot get on and play without the ridicule or tards, geez, i'm only on for like one hour a week, and I spend 30 minutes trying to find a server with level headed players!

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No offense to the offended...but....deal with it--except for the name thing..... It's a part of gaming. When you start bustin their a$$ with real skill, watch what happens....things begin to change....

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