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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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If you are a die hard gotta run 1T your gonna struggle with this board. Switch it over to 2T and see if you can get it 1:1...Loosen it up at first and see how high you can get it then start tightening it up back at 310...aint the end of the world if you can run it that high at 2T ;)


I hear ya! I tried with 2t and it was a no go. I took settings from a thread on xtremesystems, they are for NF4 but it seems they are ok for the NF3 board too...

I mean will really any TCCD run at 275+ even at 2T?


Vddr: 3.0v

Tcl: 2.5

Trcd: 3

Tras: 6

Trp: 3

Trc: 9 (12)

Trfc: 14

Trrd: 3

Twr: 3

Twrt: 2

Trwt: 3

Tref: 3072 (200MHz 3.9us)

Twcl: 1


Bank int.: Enable

Skew control: 255 +

Drive strength: 7

Data strength: 2 (4)

Max. Async: 8ns

Read Preamble: 5ns

Idle Cycle: 256

Dyn. Counter: Enable

R/W Bypass: 16x

Bypass Max: 7x

32Bit Gran.: Disable

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[ixtapalapaquetl, ah crap sorry, I posted wrong I was at 3-4-4-8... gonna try more volts...


Thx Oldguy I'm gonna try your settings too...

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Oldguy, I noticed you write you had your ram in the orange slots, mine is in the yellow ones, is that bad?
Definitely try the oranges! Also, if you are only getting a couple errors in memtest, try switching the two pieces. I always put a mark on one of my sticks so I can tell which is which.

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I'm having some problems with my USB ports, mouse and keyboard connects and disconnects all the time. I search the forums but didn't find someone with this exact problem. Any ideas ?


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Oldguy, I noticed you write you had your ram in the orange slots, mine is in the yellow ones, is that bad?

The yellow slots seemed to be good for me up to 250mhz. You should definitly try the orange slots, I was always able to boot at 300mhz and beyond on the orange slots.

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If they are cordless . I would be inclinded to say It is a device issue with the power cord to the Mouse/keyboard receiver. Unless other USB devices Have the same problem



No, they're not cordless. And they are completely separate devices. I switched the mouse to PS/2 and it's working fine since (maybe surprisinly, the keyboard seams to work fine, too).

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