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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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If when you load "Optimized Defaults", save, and go back in, what is the HTT frequency...?


If still 429, I would flash to the latest BIOS, 705 or 711....

I Think all but 602 does this... Or has on mine.. The only way I have seen to work around this is 1 like Rebelshaven said load optimize settings.. then reboot Bios.. If it takes a long time to post then Go back into BIOS GENIE and manualy set it to 200 and dont do nothing else not even change voltage . Then F10 save and exit.. you will boot up to youre CPU spec.. let boot into Windows fully then reboot onced again >> IF it saved correctly it should boot alot Quicker.. then you can change settings as you normaly would

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My results with the Patriot XBKL is almost the same...


Pass on the OCZ Rev2's... They are not TCCD any more... Only G.Skill "LE" out-clock my Patriots...

@Old Guy: thanks for the advice amigo. I was concerned about the Patriots being substandard, but they are apparently keepers. You continue to be the man.


@RebelsHaven: Duly noted - G.Skill or not at all. If I may be so bold, can I inquire as to your max values with your Patriots? (Geez, I feel like I'm asking how much money you make! Strange emotional baggage I carry, no?)

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All the settings are in my sig... When the 2X512 Patriots are installed, I have to back off the HTT to 310 to pass Memtest...


BTW, your doing Great! Your timings are a little loose for my liking, but 323 is nothing to sneeze at... :nod:

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Guest bobyjo

I have come upon a problem that I have never came across before. So if anyone can help me PLEASE DO SO. I went to flash my bios to the 711 version. Seemed to be OK. I used the pins to dump the cmos and after about 10 seconds with the pins in the dump posision. I closed the two pins for normal usage. I powered up and all of a sudden i get the message of a "BIOS BOOT ROM ERROR", then I see the message to replace the floppy disk that has command.com on it. OK, so the bios was wiped clean when I dumped the cmos. I just placed the update bios disk in the floppy disk. Powered up and the flash program gets to the point that the new bios # is entered in the box. Then the two NVMAC:: and NVGUID:: numbers are in the area that the write for the bios usually takes place. Then nothing, the program just sits there doing nothing. I tried the original bios and same thing. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO GET THE BIOS TO ACCEPT THE WRITING OF THE BIOS FILE???? Please if you have any good ideas, I have tried everything I know of over the past 3-4 hours. Thanks in advance. BJ

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Do you know what I can do to improve performance of the 6800GT with the NF3 chipset, i am aware there are problems, but from your personal experience what has improved it?


I used to get more frames until i reinstalled, have no idea what happend but less frames now.


Fastwrites off, Sidebanding off, bois cachable ON.


2nd question, if this dosent solve much. I want to know what is the best videocard AGP, to put on this NF3 board? a ATI? Or best value for money.





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This has been answered by AG himself and ANY posts referring to this being a possibility is only speculation.



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I swapped my 3500 Winchester out and put my 3800 Venice in so the multiplier would be bigger and started running 253x11 and business picked up since the memory controller does not have to be overdriven so hard with the tight@ss bios. That is when I captured the pic I put a few pages back.


I would get only a midmonied ATI card and go on about my business I think. I however am not going to buy another video card for a retro-tech board. I have enough horsepower now at 2750mhz and the memory slowed and tightened to get by well enough and not spend another cent on this rig.


Overclocks are ok but soon it comes time to "use" the thing. Benches are fine but sooner or later it comes a time to 'use' the thing. I am at that place in history right now. Put some Ocz Gamer Edition UTT/BH-5 nicely binned stuff in at 220x11 and it roks without any hassle and distress and wonder. Just works and works. It is time for me to 'use' my stuff. I got an NF4 in SLI across the room and it to is now in no drama 'use' the stuff mode and 'use' it I intend to do.






Do you know what I can do to improve performance of the 6800GT with the NF3 chipset, i am aware there are problems, but from your personal experience what has improved it?


I used to get more frames until i reinstalled, have no idea what happend but less frames now.


Fastwrites off, Sidebanding off, bois cachable ON.


2nd question, if this dosent solve much. I want to know what is the best videocard AGP, to put on this NF3 board? a ATI? Or best value for money.





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There are a couple of things that can cause this

1 if main drivers for the NF3 dont install correctly... It may not have a IRQ set for it..

Solution for that is uninstall all Chipset Drivers and reinstall.. then see if it shows up In Device manager.. IF so install drivers and software for it and Enjoy

2nd Reason would come from BIOS flash.. If you have flashed Bios and then this problem Occured flash was either bad or not complete.. and there is a difference between the two.

Solution redown load BIOS with a stable SYSTEM and then Reflash( Resoning behind this is IF BIOS dosent report it being there Windows doesnt know it even exist and No drivers can help..

Hope this helps a little


really appreciate the advice frm u all.

so, i will try reinstall my chipset driver.

if not help, try flash bios.

if still cant then need to RMA right???

if success, there should have a device under control panel right???


for the divider problem mayb i will post my default A64.

then see some1 can help me or not.

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Do you have a 3dmark05 so i can check out, Im only getting 4900 sometiems and soemtimes it goes to 5200, inconsistent.



I swapped my 3500 Winchester out and put my 3800 Venice in so the multiplier would be bigger and started running 253x11 and business picked up since the memory controller does not have to be overdriven so hard with the tight@ss bios. That is when I captured the pic I put a few pages back.


I would get only a midmonied ATI card and go on about my business I think. I however am not going to buy another video card for a retro-tech board. I have enough horsepower now at 2750mhz and the memory slowed and tightened to get by well enough and not spend another cent on this rig.


Overclocks are ok but soon it comes time to "use" the thing. Benches are fine but sooner or later it comes a time to 'use' the thing. I am at that place in history right now. Put some Ocz Gamer Edition UTT/BH-5 nicely binned stuff in at 220x11 and it roks without any hassle and distress and wonder. Just works and works. It is time for me to 'use' my stuff. I got an NF4 in SLI across the room and it to is now in no drama 'use' the stuff mode and 'use' it I intend to do.



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Well I tried the vapochiller and the thing blue screened so back to the old setting i go... 250x10 and just leave it at that, until i get a better cpu and ram, i give up for now... i just want to be able to play bf2

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