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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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Yes,.... Look at the boot-up screen in my other reply, above, and the SuperPI score is right for that speed at 1T... I can change it to 2T and it shows on the boot-up screen and SuperPI slows down...


In the 0602 BIOS, "Auto" is 1T.... At least for me.... Maybe different Memory types select different CPC's....



They are both 30 seconds, one is .1s faster, that is within SuperPi's fluctuation delta, run it 10 times, they probably average the same. I beat you both with RAM at 261Mhz, so I would recommend tightening up the CAS to RAS, and CAS Latency and running a divider, like 10:9 or 5:4.


They are slightly different clocks you 2 were running also, and superpi is faster at certain clocks depending on timings.

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What does the A64 Tweaker show?


But you are running SATA/RAID which is a lot faster then the IDE I'm using...


On DFI nF4 Ultra, I also get 30-31 seconds at these same settings....


Unless the 1T/2T isn't really working at all and we're the same....?!?!?


A64TWK show enable so i'm on 2T


Yes but this is 1M spi not 32M


You are sure you are on 1T?



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They are both 30 seconds, one is .1s faster, that is within SuperPi's fluctuation delta, run it 10 times, they probably average the same. I beat you both with RAM at 261Mhz, so I would recommend tightening up the CAS to RAS, and CAS Latency and running a divider, like 10:9 or 5:4.


They are slightly different clocks you 2 were running also, and superpi is faster at certain clocks depending on timings.


Yes right, mine is only a test if what the mobo can do. I Hit 326 mhz 1:1 @2T for now.

I don't care of alpha timing for now, just test mobo and bios.


This is origina bios and i can't set 1T above 230 - 235 for now. I must working on.


Bios is the original shipped whit the board.



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@ GIASAN: Is your OZC Rev2 v1.1 which means TCC5 chips?


The v1.1 is very, very small in the lower right hand corner of the label.....


BTW, even Super Pi 1Million is effected by the drive.....


Also, it I set 1T, Tweaker shows 1T. If I set 2T, Tweaker shows 2T....

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@ GIASAN: Is your OZC Rev2 v1.1 which means TCC5 chips?


The v1.1 is very, very small in the lower right hand corner of the label.....


No mine is REV 2 TCCD for sure. ;)

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eboy0 - That's an insane OC on that 6800GT....did you do any volt mods or what....and theres no way that it's running that on this DFI board is it? That's insane because mines not even doing the same clock I got on my XP-M system....OldGuy informed me it's because of the NF3 chipset and after some research I found out it was true....seems the NF3 chipset gives people a lot of troubles for stock sometimes muchless OC's....the highest I ran 24/7 on my XP-M system was 430/1150, capable of like 433/1180 at it's highest and it is infact water cooled, maze4 block, says all in my sig.


What brand 6800GT do you have? Mines eVGA


EDIT: Oh yeah I was running 1.5 + .3 and my comp froze running prime95 and watching a vid on my computer...prime95 had been going a few hours too, this is really bugging me.....I pray my venice isn't already capping out on me, this is ridiculous...ran memtest and all that and the RAM is fine =/


I'm so disappointed I'm having to run 1.7v+ (thats what CPU-Z is reporting) for something as small as 236x10 :(


Well for now it's at stock. But 476/1296 is the HIGHEST oc i got out of my EVGA 6800GT, no mods did flash bios to 1.4v i think :confused: Ummm i do get "some" artifacting in ati tool, but none in games or benchmarks. Haven't ran any on this system yet.

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Some cards overclock better than others, but it is ususally a matter of good power getting to them. Without a Vmod 6800U will go to 490+ in lots of cases, and they are the same core, same basic PCB, just ususally better RAM, and the 2nd power connector to get steadier juice to that core. Nice work on that GT, what kind of 3D bench #s is it putting up at 476/1296?

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