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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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Yeah when looking at that chipset location I just MIGHT be able to fit on my Microcool northpole chipset cooler :D only problem is, my chipset cooler is rather tall so I'm gonna have to make certain whether or not it'll be a problem for my 6800GT hitting it or something.


That's crazy that you've been able to throw in that many different RAM types and combos AG lol.....


can't wait to get the board myself :D As I said about a month ago...I'm getting DFI no matter what...at the time saying whether it be nf3 or nf4.....of course I only said that under the assumption the Nf3 was still up in the air, but thank god it came out....I had a friend who kept putting me down everytime I said I was waiting for it "NAH JUST SELL YOUR CRAP IT WONT COME OUT" psht....now I'll PWN his 3000+ winnie :D

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AG if you can try one of those DDR Booster, thanks :) Mine arrived yesterday, haven't gotten the time to bleed my system yet.

im more interested in a modified bios that allows the vdimm up to 4v, and cranking my Powerstream's 3.3v rail up just like I do on the NF3 754.


I don't like the boosters...that doesn't mean they are going to catch on fire or kill anything if you use them within reason...but I just don't like them.


I'll assume that they work if Tim tried out one on his 939 ;)

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I also don't like the booster myself......much like with anything I've heard both success and horror stories, but the horror stories are generally REALLY bad.........I figure TicTac will be making a 4v dimm BIOS revision sometime in the future :D Not that I particularly need it for TCCD, but still that guy does some amazing work with BIOSes

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Mainly for AG I know you just got the board and all, but are you going to have some approved or well I mean guideline suggestions for the PSUs, kinda like you have with the nf4 boards? I guess what I am asking is since I have UTT BH that should play nicely beyond 3.2 and the fact that I dont particulary think I would even want to mess with that booster thing if someone does release a 4 volt enable bios, what would be the main thing to look for on the PSU, you say an adjustable PSU, well what specs do I need to be on the lookout for, this is definately one area where I have little knowledge, I doubt my Xconnects up to the task, so I really am figuring I had better budget a PSU into the plans, again I know you just got the board and all but let us know what your thoughts are on that please if you dont mind. Im assuming maybe just sticking to the nf4 sticky and just do the 24 down to 20 pin thing, sli ready i guess wouldnt be a issue with this board but again being proactive for a future upgrade might not be a bad thing

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Well I think the main thing is just having a nice high amp rated +3.3v rail....and since AG's is adjustable he can make sure enough juice goes there, but I could be completely WAY off as I'm also not 100% sure about that.

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the ocz powerstream 520? im mainly interested in what AG refers to with the adjustable thing, on the 3.3v rail which im assuming all the powerstreams have this?

really kinda do lean towards the modular psus, i have an antec lanboy which means space is really tight and what to do with all those spare molex cables, i typically run bare min, so i will have a lot of spare cables to have to hide somehow, really modular makes more since to me, looking at the powerstream on the egg it says adjustable rails, on the modstreams it doesnt, that means they dont?

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im using an OCZ Powerstream 420w adjustable rail psu on the NF3 939 right now.


on the back of the psu (find some pics, you'll see) it has 3 lil dials for dialing up the voltage on each important rail (3.3v, 5v, 12v).


you really need to splurge for a decent (hrmm...$20 or better?) DVM to make sure you don't overcrank the rails (i can get my OCZ Powerstream 600w to shut right off if i crank up more than 3.67v to the 3.3v rail lol). Never rely on the bios for this! (but use the bios and the dvm together...its real easy)


as for power supplies...I have not had a chance to delve into it...i am using the Powerstream 420w right now as it is ballsy enough to power my NF4 SLI rig with RAID-0 raptors and serious overclocks (tho i dont recommend it for NF4's, it will do the job VERY well)


I will get to a point where I start hooking up different 20-pin psu's that I have laying around (like my badass Enermax EG301P-VB 300w 20-pin monster with 28A @ 3.3v, 30A @ 5v, 22A @ +12v, and my very decent $36 Thermaltake Purepower 420w, and even some cheeser psu's that came with cases lol)


but for now, I can only suggest the recommendation that comes with the board, DFI suggests you use a decent quality 400w power supply or better (its in the manual!)


Modstreams are nice cuz they are modular and have sleeved lines...but they dont have adjustable rails and are not quite as powerful as the Powerstream lines.


Other psu's like the Fortron 530w 20-pin have adjustable rails, but you have to open the casing on the psu and adjust them from within...never a good thing to do if you are


A. worried about warranties (cuz it voids it instantly to open them)

B. a klutz since the components in teh psu can hold a charge even when not powered on that can potentially kill you

C. have shaky hand syndrome like me and might slip whatever you adjusting the pots with and hit a live line and blast yourself across the room, or worse, fry you hardware (heh, nervous systems and burnt skin heals, motherboards and cpu's must be replaced through purchasing!)


there's probably other psu's that can be adjusted externally or internally, I dunno (google is your friend!)

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ok just wondered what your stance was on it, I know your breaking your golden rule saying 420 on a nf4 when the stickie and in several posts I seen 480 480 read the rules peoples :) so now I know, I have always gone with just because a non name companies 500 watter says 500 doesnt mean squat, and a good companies 400 is actually probably 400, so with that I think Ill consider a good PSU that would serve me well with this board but also try and get something that would comply with the NF4 for the future, shouldnt hurt to go that route, thanks for the reply, BTW my dad does refrigeration work and has a really nice fluke multimeter so I can always ask him to check it out for me, he knows more about electrical stuff and would know how to do it correctly without getting zapped

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