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Finally hit 300fsb 1:1 yeehaa!!!!

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[email protected] , idling right now @25c, cpc-on, bank interleave enabled, [email protected] It took a while, but thats how we learn , isnt it? Aquamark=75910


Updated, changed multiplier to 8x and 300fsb is still stable. NEENER, NEENER!! :nod: would you like a screenie? All kidding aside , thanks for the heads up on the .5 multipliers :angel:

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how is that his ram is only at 283? the multiplier he used is for the cpu frequency, not the Ram divider. If the ram divider is set to 200, then he should be running 1:1 with the htt which is 300.

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on A64 if u run a .5 multi you inadvertantly run a divider, regardless if it is set at 1:1.


launch cpuz while you are on a .5 multi, and you will notice the frequency of the ram is lower then the actual HTT, when set at 1:1 in DRAM speed.

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Haha that sucks...you guys totally just owned his self esteem :eek:



But we were nice about it.


Yes we were.. !!


There is no owning going on here.. its just helping and informing others of things we once didnt know either..



283 is still a very good overclock.. I didnt know about the half multi's for a while too.. But hey we gotta learn somewhere and I still find myself learning something new everyday..

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I have since stablized 300 fsb w/ 8x multiplier, but had to loosen timings to 2.5-4-11-4. Not much performance gain over 270x9, 2.5-3-7-3


Yup Ive noticed that also.. somtimes its just not worth it..


But thats the fun in these boards.. there is so many different config's to try and test..



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