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The ULTIMATE MBM 5 Settings/Help Thread


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Yes I am using Cool N Quiet. I didn't know that there was a conflict. Is there an incompatability between them?


C&Q will change the speed of the CPU when not under load.. if you are doing any OC then it is best to disable this feature...

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I can overclock just fine using RMclock. It just limit some of your voltage choices. MBM will take an initial reading of CPU speed that has little to do with your current CPU speed. But then if I really want to know current CPU I use RMclock's monitor to track it.

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Just to clarify for anyone else having my same problems:


Raid of any set is not compatible ATM with MBM5 and the Smart HD monitor.


7800 has GPU Core temp working but not ambient temp, with MBMData files and 7.2a plugin.


Thanks for the great work guys!

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After "If you are having any problems with _xhp_'s plugins please post exactly which version of the plugin you are using (zip file name is enough)." add something like: "always write if you see the temperatures in the nv display properties"


@everyone else

if you are using the 7800, please write if you see the ambient temp in the properties.


Since all of the boards are based on the reference design there is a chance that the NV will add the support to the drivers (and to the mbm :) ) in the newer drivers...

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Guest ElAguila

First of all let me say thanks for all the work going into this soundx. Everything looks great except of course I am one of the ones with an nvidia card. I am not sure what is happening with it. I am getting a reading just not the right one. I tried the nv driver monitoring 7.2a plugin but it didn't work for me. Unfortunately niether did riva.

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Always let us know if you see the temperatures in the nv display properties.



Change it to

Always let us know if you see the temperatures in the nv display properties and the forceware version you are using.

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Guest ElAguila

Sorry about that. Drivers are 77.76 and I see 0C in the temps for gpu and gpu env.

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Sorry about that. Drivers are 77.76 and I see 0C in the temps for gpu and gpu env.


If you see 0C in the nv properties you will see 0C with the mbm too :(

You may be able to read the temps with rivatuner do - try using some of the specfic plugins that come with rivartuner (hardware monitoring -> settings -> somwhere :P ). This might work depending on the sensor chip your card has...


You should also try contacting BFG tech support and other BFG users -> you should have at least the core temp in the properties... Wierd...



Change it to

Always let us know if you see the temperatures in the nv display properties and the forceware version you are using.

If you don't see the temperatures in the NV display properties you won't see them with the mbm5nvdriver plugin... You might see them with the mbm5rivatuner plugin if you set rivatuner to use one of the specific plugings for the sensor chips, but this depends on your GPU card... If everything fails you can try speedfan, but you won't be able to export the temperatures to mbm (you could write the plugin to do this)...

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Guest ElAguila

I misunderstood. Sorry about that. In the NV properties I see 48C. In the mbm I see 0C.

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