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The ULTIMATE MBM 5 Settings/Help Thread


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Ok try this.


Go to Add/remove programs and remove motherboard monitor 5. reboot.


navigate to C:Program Files and delete the Motherboard Monitor 5 folder if it still exists.


Now install mbm5, cancel the setup wizard and before you reboot drag your folder renamed to Data into C:Program FilesMotherboard Monitor 5 . now reboot.


If this doesn't work I'm fresh out of ideas sorry.

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Ok try this.


Go to Add/remove programs and remove motherboard monitor 5. reboot.


navigate to C:Program Files and delete the Motherboard Monitor 5 folder if it still exists.


Now install mbm5, cancel the setup wizard and before you reboot drag your folder renamed to Data into C:Program FilesMotherboard Monitor 5 . now reboot.


If this doesn't work I'm fresh out of ideas sorry.


Well still no luck. It has to be a Vista issue though. I went into XP64 and did the same thing and I got it working the first time.


Ok now my question is what software can I use now for Vista?

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Well still no luck. It has to be a Vista issue though. I went into XP64 and did the same thing and I got it working the first time.


Ok now my question is what software can I use now for Vista?


That is a question better suited to the vista thread


take a look this first though

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Well still no luck. It has to be a Vista issue though. I went into XP64 and did the same thing and I got it working the first time.


Ok now my question is what software can I use now for Vista?

Wait for soundx98 to see this. I'm pretty sure he has MBM working with Vista.

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Thanks, when I saw the updated on the first post with working with Vista is the reason I posted on this forum.


Oh sorry, just thought you'd get a better response in there :)

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I am currently searching the forums but haven't found an answer yet, so I've decided to post while I keep looking. I got a BFG 7900GTX OC today to replace my eVGA 7800GT CO. A second BFG 7900GTX OC is on it's way so that I can have an SLI setup (which will be my first).


For some reason, MBM won't display the correct core clock and mem clock values in the dashboard. Right now it says 275/800 when it should currently say 670/1640. With the eVGA I just took out, it always displayed these values fine (470/1100). For what it's worth, the GPU core temperature is currently displaying perfectly fine, so it shouldn't be a setup error on my part. I tried updating to the _xhp_ 7.22 driver since I noticed it was newer than what I've always been using (7.2_test), but that didn't help unfortunately.


I'd be very grateful if someone could give me a clue as to what might be wrong and how to fix it. Hopefully, in the process of troubleshooting, I can avoid a complete reinstall of MBM seeing as I have everything just how I like and has been since the fall season of last year when I first built this system. Would really be a huge pain to have to get everything tweaked just right again. I guess I should mention that I also use MBM2G15 and have for a long time, but I doubt this has anything to do with the issue I'm having. Also, I'm currently using Forceware 84.21. I used to have 91.33 installed, but uninstalled those last week so that I could install 84.21 instead seeing as how bad the 9-series sucks IMHO.


There, I think that's everything. I'll be happy to answer any questions in case I left something out. Thanks all, and thanks especially for everyone involved in everything having to do with DFI+MBM+Nvidia! Great stuff that I appreciate a lot and would hate to live without. :)

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well the 275 just means it's showing your 2d clocks.

Have you run any of the futremarks benchmarks yet?

Have you checked the NV control panel to see what they are set at?

Ah ha. So it's the 2d clocks it's showing! Thanks, I honestly didn't know it did that. With the eVGA card I took out, MBM always showed the 3d clock/mem speed same as what the Nvidia drivers displayed, never the 2d ones, and hence why I didn't know MBM could do that. I've confirmed that they do change to show 3d clocks by running a quick DXDIAG test. No, I haven't run an Futuremark tests yet since I'm still waiting for my second card to show up. Should be a fairly big improvement over the single 7800GT seeing as my preference is for gaming at my monitors native resolution, 1920x1200. Anyways, thanks for the reply! ;)

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Ah ha. So it's the 2d clocks it's showing! Thanks, I honestly didn't know it did that. With the eVGA card I took out, MBM always showed the 3d clock/mem speed same as what the Nvidia drivers displayed, never the 2d ones, and hence why I didn't know MBM could do that. I've confirmed that they do change to show 3d clocks by running a quick DXDIAG test. No, I haven't run an Futuremark tests yet since I'm still waiting for my second card to show up. Should be a fairly big improvement over the single 7800GT seeing as my preference is for gaming at my monitors native resolution, 1920x1200. Anyways, thanks for the reply! ;)


Well, is is showing your current clocks - since you're in windows it is your 2s clocks. Start any game and start the g15 display and it should show your 3d clocks ;)

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