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The ULTIMATE MBM 5 Settings/Help Thread


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Could be off a little but the Ultra-Ds are usually awfully close.

Had a coup[le reports of them reading low but it's usually just the Experts.

Canada - Water Cooling - a 165 at default - could be, but that seems real cool


What's the ambient temp in the room. Can't be lower than that.

03/29/2006 bioses and later have a core temperature adjustment under System Health in bios. +/- 10 degrees.

What kind of temps do you hit when gaming or when the CPU is under load?

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Could be off a little but the Ultra-Ds are usually awfully close.

Had a coup[le reports of them reading low but it's usually just the Experts.

Canada - Water Cooling - a 165 at default - could be, but that seems real cool


What's the ambient temp in the room. Can't be lower than that.

03/29/2006 bioses and later have a core temperature adjustment under System Health in bios. +/- 10 degrees.

What kind of temps do you hit when gaming or when the CPU is under load?

I haven't checked in games yet because I just installed MBM 5 today. The ambient temperature in the room is at least 20 C. I know BIOS reads higher than this - more like 24-26 C.

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The bios is usually 3-4 degrees hotter than idle.


Sounds like a new build. Play around a little, do some gaming and OCing and keep us posted.

Always best to post in the forum cause the question/answer may help others.

But don't hesitate to send a PM if you think I can help.

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The bios is usually 3-4 degrees hotter than idle.


Sounds like a new build. Play around a little, do some gaming and OCing and keep us posted.

Always best to post in the forum cause the question/answer may help others.

But don't hesitate to send a PM if you think I can help.

it is a new build. I just got it all finished yesterday. Changing the RAM from my current 2x512 soon though.

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Always nice to have another member join the Canuckistani contingent here.


Some friendly threads you may enjoy posting in:

If you OverClock Get a Spare Bios Chip from Tmod http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9886

Enter Tmods Bios Chip Giveaway Here http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=60315


Official Case Pic Thread 56K WARNING http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=116

Anyone up for a post a pic of yourself thread? http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=425

The Please explain your Handle thread http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=342

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anyone can help me to set the GPU temp for my 7900GTX ? i have try to fo a Seach and someone tell that is the sensor 21 through 26 .


I have try to change all sensor but i dont see the temp in MBM5 .


i use the Finaldata from the First post



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hotshot, go back to post 1418 in this thread and Playah was having a similar problem.

We did a walk through over a couple of pages that got him going.

The sensors are 21, 22, and 25.

They must be set to be visible.

The NV plug-in must be started.

The dashboard must be opened all the way so the sensor boxes are not hidden.


While the set up instructions may not be clear to all, the programs and plug-ins always work.

Give it another try and reading abit from post #1418.

Keep us posted.

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Soundx i have a question for you about MBM5...I have been playing a game called silkroad, and when i quiet the game and go back to windows all the readings on mbm5 read "0" for a few seconds before re-establishing settings. It never done this before. the game will kick me back into windows in the past so i just increased my pcie in bios up to 105, thinking this would fix the problem with the game, it did not but now the problem with mbm5 pops up now. Do u think i have a PSU problem that is causing all these problems....I did raises my v-core also but i did not see a change in voltage in bios, everest, and mbm5. I hope this makes sence ( i'm a little drugged up right now on codine because i went to the dentest today:)...I have a bad gag reflex so he loads me up with it before each appointment:O

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Sorry Mike, I'm not familiar with the game or the issue.

Could be some type of interaction with the games drivers.

Have you tried either uninstalling the game or MBM5 and then reinstalling them?

How long does MBM5 hang on "Zero's"?

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yes i reinstalled the game a few times. it hanges of about 2 sec. i'm thinking i dont have enought power to the mobo, but i could be wrong. i have set voltage for the LDT at 1.20 but it showes 1.17, also i raised my v-core to 1.45 but it shows 1.39, these readings are on all my monitors.mbm5, smartguardien, and everest.

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for some reason the temp monitor to my HDD stoped. it used to work, saying idles at 27 and loads at 33 but now it just says 0. the box is checked for "scan for IDE hard drives with temp sensors" but still no go. have restarted MBM and rebooted the comp still no go. should i reinstall MBM5?

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