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Crucial Ballistix 2x1GB PC4000 kit gone bad (merged)

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DONT! go over 2.8V, Bad idea anyway!!!


It's definatly your MOBO/Processor letting these sticks down without a doubt, There all capable of 290Hz without a doubt, most of them 300. THere pure and simply one of the best, If not the best DDR1 memory on the market. 2GB running at 250 on your mobo/Processor will be the poroblem.


Christmas soon, ask your family for a nice new Quad Core and new MOBO hehe

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@ jhyunl


Did you play with Max Async Latency, Read Preamble , Drive/Data Strength Settings and DRAM response time?

Because those need to be changed when you get past 250MHz. It can really make a big difference in getting no errors at all or getting ten-thousends of them. Leaving them on auto will generate errors in Mem Test for sure


My settings @ 237MHz (2.5-2-2-6-1T) vdimm 2.57v

Max Async 7

Read preamble 5.5

Drive Strength 5

Data Strength 2

DRAM response time fast


My settings @ 273Mhz (3-3-3-8-1T) vdimm 2.71v

Max Async 9

Read preamble 6

Drive Strength 6

Datsa Strength 2

Data response time normal


I'v been using these settings since January this year when I first got my two sticks of 16TD's and there still going strong, haven't had any problems so far. (I run Mem Test every other week)

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@ jhyunl


Did you play with Max Async Latency, Read Preamble , Drive/Data Strength Settings and DRAM response time?

Because those need to be changed when you get past 250MHz. It can really make a big difference in getting no errors at all or getting ten-thousends of them. Leaving them on auto will generate errors in Mem Test for sure


My settings @ 237MHz (2.5-2-2-6-1T) vdimm 2.57v

Max Async 7

Read preamble 5.5

Drive Strength 5

Data Strength 2

DRAM response time fast


My settings @ 273Mhz (3-3-3-8-1T) vdimm 2.71v

Max Async 9

Read preamble 6

Drive Strength 6

Datsa Strength 2

Data response time normal


I'v been using these settings since January this year when I first got my two sticks of 16TD's and there still going strong, haven't had any problems so far. (I run Mem Test every other week)



I haven't check this thread for a while. Sorry. I'll try those settings very carefully. Thanks.


I now experience a little different problem on a newly bought DFI board, not on my Abit board. And, I heard it may be due to memory instability again.


I've ditched my 754 sempron by putting a 512MB memory from my old pentium to a home file server. Now, I am still left with two ballistix, so I bought 939 dfi and opteron 144 (stepping CACJE) for another machine that I feel like needed. I cheked a few times to make sure the ballistix working fine, and they do perfectly in dual channel 939 setup (#2 & 4 orange chans).


Now, I am facing a different problem. It looks like the memory appears at least working fine on Memtest86 for dual channel at 3-3-3-8@250Mhz. But, upon completing winXP installation, the system starts up with "windows classic display" setting. Odd thing I noticed first is that there is no windowsXP starndard theme in systems folder, nor in Program Files folder. And, more serisously, there are a few windows XP components missing, say Internet Explorer, media player and etc. Inside their Program Files folder, there's nothing and the folders are just empty. I tried to manually install them from XP cd, but the installation does not progress. It quits immediately upon I press OK button for installation.


Actually, I asked for some help in this forum, but moderator figured out I tried to install XP from a pirate version, and he appears blaming the copy as the source of XP install failure. And, he just locked the thread. (I needed to install the cd because of the language version on it. It appears I need to use a legitimate "english" version if I need some helps from the forum.


So being frustrated, I took out my legitimate winXP cd and tested XP installation to verify the source of failure. Unforunately, it did not work either, and gave exactly the same problems too. So, I am pretty sure now it is not an memory issue. I even plugged a 512MB value ram from my sempron that is working fine, and tried to install winXP legit version . It led to the same problem as well.


So, what the heck.. I have these bunch of bs stuff around me not working together, and even do not know which to blame.


Do you guys still think the Ballistix kit is the source of troubles I experience now? I mean, did you experience the same trouble when you tried to install something with memories that are known to be unstable?



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The problem I had with my system was solved. I had a defective DVDRW, so winXP was not installed properly. I replaced the defective drive with new one from my old PC, and the system works fine. XP is now normally being installed.


Btw, the ballistix kit on this new opteron 144+dfi setting appears working fine so far. They passed memtest with no problem, which I hardly was able to see when they were on my sempron setting.


So, I guess it was an outdated memory controller on sempron that cause the trouble.


I should test further with more practicall applications and benchmark, but so far so good.

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Hi, it's been a long time since I read this thread! Didn't buy the RAM yet and newegg is out of stock of this memories now, but I guess I'll buy them from ebay or something. Does anyone know where can I find this memory cheap? Well, when I get my new RAM i'll post back, thanks for all the help, and surely this are the best DDR RAM ever (I did a lot of homework, 2nd best are Mushkin redline or Corsair DDR550, but Crucial is just incredibly fast).

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I'm glad you guys bumped this thread back up. My Ballistix 2x512MB is finicky like RGone mentioned at the start of this thread. I was able to run the timings tighter on my 3000+ Winchester, but I had to loosen them for my 3700+ San Diego. Once I got that figured out and taken care of, I was alright. I'll have to check out some of the tweaks mentioned and see if they fly on my box.

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What's the standard settings for these modules???


I starting to hate BSOD!!!


I just need these to run, not even fast anymore,

if they would just run like lower than budget memory it would be fine to,

but they must just run!

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Well after reading this thread I sent in my Z503s TD and expect a return of 16td1's in a couple days.


Has anyone with the td1 revisions died yet? I'm debating whether I will have to sell my replacements or not.


Thanks for your help.

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You got problems you say? If you have the TD ones and not TD1's they may be failing.


If you just want them run, Just stick them on auto and keep them below 250 haha


With auto and below 250 at standard 200,

I get errors


And it's the new TD1 series

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