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NF3 250GB Video Issues

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I am building a PC with the LanpartyUT NF3 250 GB motherboard and am having consistent problems with the AGP video. Despite 3 different monitors and two AGP video cards, I get a garbled display with colored characters on the screen. The AGP cards test fine on a different system. If I use a PCI video card, the screen displays normal. My customer contacted DFI and they thought the AGP slot was defective so they sent him a new board. I am having the same problem now even with the new board. I have installed all the drivers that came with the board as well as for the card. Are there any AGP specific drivers that I can be directed to for this motherboard? Perhaps I am missing a bios setting or some other step. Do I need the 64 bit version of windows XP for this? I dont think so

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please check the rules and the Important Info threads stuck to the top of this section, paying close attention to the second post in teh 'critical' thread (about system specs in your sig).


this helps us tremendously to help you solve your issue if we can see what is in your system every time you post.


Be as thorough as possible please. Voltages, timings, settings, bios version. The more information you give us about the problem, and the more details about your hardware in your sig = more help we can give you.

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Here are the specs as best I can tell without putting in the PCI video card again


AMD Athlon 64


New NF3 250GB right out of the box

All Default Bios settings Version 6.00PG

Radeon 9800 XT 256MB

Win XP SP2


I tried to install the 64bit chipset drivers but device manager showed them all as unrecognized. When I installed the 32 bit chipset, everything installed ok. I just have this crazy AGP video issue. This is the 2nd MB and the video card checks fine on a different system. The CPU has also been replaced by the way.

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GlennC, I did not ask you to update a profile but to follow that link to make a signature, reflective of the pieces in the box. On the surface a simple enough request similar to manuals for computer setup and video cards and the like. Is there a correlation here? I do not know! But I find such things strange in the overall scope of things. Always have since, I began to haunt forums with people asking for help and the simpliest endeavor escapes them.


Obviously you are not that bad off, so get us a signature man. So we can presume or attempt to help. You have exchanged the board for another and the problem persists and there are many posts across the internet about ATI cards seeming to have problems with the NF3 boards so it is not like this is an unknown occurance. Need to see what is in the case if at all possible.



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In the end of two pages it was the ram...


What else? PASTED:

What other hardware can cause video artifacts other than video cards/drivers?

The CPU or memory being OC'ed too much can do it with video.

I think the codecs are sensitive too too high an oC'ed system.


What other hardware can cause video artifacts other than video cards/drivers?

AGP CLOCK beeing to far out of spec ;) Vid Card fans not working and card overheats

Or Vid card's ram to hot.



Those were questions posed about artifacts and the answers given.


In search of the internet, I also see many users advised to remove all unnecessary power draws on a power supply to test for enough power to run later video cards with a molex connector needed to power them up fully. Seems the supply cable from the power supply should have nothing on it but the video card and one hard drive at most.


Your 380watt power supply is a perfect candidate to give video card problems as some folks even state that card you have is a bigger current hog than some of the more powerful, later cards out.


It also tends to be very driver specific and the ATI drivers install ATI garts according to some reading I have done and that would create a problem if partially corrupted gart when installing over the top of the previous gart from Nvidia, installed during chipset driver installation.


Just a few of the possibles that I see doing a quick search of the internet with google.


Edit: upping the aGp voltage in the bios might be of an assist as well. End Edit.



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No luck with anything. Hooked up the PS connectors to just the HD and Video card, changed bios settings such as AGP voltage, AGP writeback(?) and even primary vga to agponboard. Still these crazy shapes and colors upon bootup. My other AGP card does not even bring up a screen. I know these cards both work. The memory thread did not really reflect the same issues that I am having. I even booted to a clean IDE drive and got the artifacts. It really looks like a bad AGP slot but this is supposed to be a new 2nd MB. I am going to call DFI tomorrow and see if there are any local (I am in New Jersey) shops that sell DFI boards that can help him.

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this is supposed to be a new 2nd MB.

Is the reason I keep serial numbers of parts sent off for RMA to check against and determine new or same product returned.


It would certainly sound like the same board returned or you/he have the awfullest of luck to get two in a row with agp slot defective.




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never heard of this happening before?


very strange indeed.


Is the video card recognized by Device Manager?

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