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Guest culinist_merged

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Fragman']hehe it made some noise that OCZ so i already voided the warranty: http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread...0436#post250436


i Denmark we dont pay to get an education.....not most of them anyway :)....instead we pay 45-67% in tax.....




actually, i like the blue better than the green. god knows what they were thinking /smoking when they put that in there. they should have left it colorless.

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Oh you pay alright! The first time I went to Europe I about crapped my pants when I heard what the locals pay in taxes.


Then I learned the meaning of socialism. lol


Fragman']hehe it made some noise that OCZ so i already voided the warranty: http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread...0436#post250436


i Denmark we dont pay to get an education.....not most of them anyway :)....instead we pay 45-67% in tax.....

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Im ok... Unemployed atm but atleast I get paid by the unemployment insurance for 3 months so... Ive been in Sweden now for 10 days and Ive allready been to 4 interviews and have a job paid by the hour (20$/hr) to get me by. Ive also managed to meet a nice girl and Im going to visit her over the wekend. Not that bad for 10 days of work.


Btw. Where did I meet her?


In a after party at 04:30 I had been playin Caps for 4 hours between 23:00 and 03:00 b4 we took a cab home to a friend so I was pretty wasted. at 04:00 I wanted to lay down so I looked around in the flat and saw ppl everywhere in the couche on chairs and the bed was really crowded. So I do what i always do under those circumstances I lay dow under the table.


Why: Well A) No1 steps on U while U sleep. B) U have a roof over your head to protect U from the drinks that the ppl pour out everywhere. C) Usually theres a carpet under a table - its not much of a matress but it bets the . out of a naked floor.

So there I am participating in the party at bout 15% of my capacity when a beautyful brownhead sticks her head in under the table and asks why Im laying there. I answer with the reasons Ive explained above and she's quiet for 10 secs b4 saying:


- Thats smart!!!


And then she moves in with me under the table where we fall to sleep 1.5 hrs later after talking alot. The day after she was supposed to go home but i managed to convince her to stay for dinner at my place and she did. So tomorrow Im off for Gotland and hopefully Ill get lucky :dog:..


Now from this story we can all learn that from time to time U do well in drinking yourself under the table :dog:


So all in all from a well paid job in frankfurt feeling miserable Im now happy and unemployed in Sweden. I hope that Ill get a real work within the next couple of weeks but until then I could use some extra luck so please keep your fingers crossed for me once in a while will U...




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Guest Bulldog

Do you guys mind if an officer pulls up a chair and has drink with you grunts? I need a bartender whose shoulder I can cry on. Please give my a full bottle of JD and a shot glass.


Where to begin....The website is down, can't do alot of my work, read all the posts here, at anandtech and at tweakers. I think I will go help out at our repair facility this afternoon. It's been a few months since I've used a soldering iron, so I want a few shots down the hatch first, so I don't feel the pain if I burn myself. :nod:

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Guest Bulldog

Indeed I'm expecting a riot to break out, if the site isn't up and running soon. I don't even dare wear my DFI shirt in public for fear of being lynched by an angry mob of overclockers :P Please pour me another shot for the road.

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Good to hear all is well, Frallan!


Very "rock an roll" move with the table - an experienced party dog! Back in the 70's I played music professionally for a few years, and taught myself to sleep just about anywhere, anytime!


More than once I slept in a bathtub at parties - locked myself in the bath room and crashed out! I was able to sleep through people banging on the door, but once I DID get a really cold shower!

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