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XP-sp2 released for download

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What's it supposed to do ? better protection against worms and virusses and hackers?

Probably just more window$ cr@p that makes your system slower :nod: :nod:

Anyway, I'm downloading it right now to install it on my other rig , an asus A7N8X deluxe +1700XP.

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:OAT M$ about XPSP/2


A blurb about downloading and activeX


The effort to close holes is going to require a 'spot' of learning about it seems because the SP/2 is changing some stuff no matter what. At 266MB is nearly large enough to change the whole of the O/s so a little attention to detail is likely going to be necessary.


Sincerely, RGone...done downloaded

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same stuff as SP1 brought except this time MS forcibly turns on the firewall (expanded firewall, still weaker than a NAT hardware firewall and ZoneAlarm). More patches and holes shored up....but there will also be a big new round of exploits from stuff that Sp2 brings


one day MS will figure it out =/


i still dont think they've fixed the refresh rate crap for XP (especially OpenGL).

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Originally posted by cantankerous

and what about african?




I have not downloaded the sp2 yet, however, there is at least one good thing about it: it accumulates all the countless bugfixes that have come after the SP1 release, and that's a relatively large spent time improvement if installing a fresh Windows copy because otherwise you just need all these fixes against Blaster, Sasser and other worms installed separately right there before even connecting to the Net, otherwise your system would be infected after a pair of minutes...

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:cool: ...we wuz waiting for you to download and install and run a plethora of relative benches so we would all know how it acts.


Heheheheheheehehehe. Run em man and tell us all!!!


Sincerely, RGone...1ster>:nod:

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