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Toaster Sigs (NF2/AthlonXP ONLY!)

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I'll get the rest of the required "stuff" to go along

with my CPU.... hopefully this week-end.









Edit: Prime is runnin'.


Edit #2: Kamakazi Ho says 7 hrs. of Prime and I'm

oughta here.

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oh man Popsicle that is fantastic. "We are not worthy"


Pleasez God let it Prime! (I hate that friggin program, such a downer, best you can do is PASS. Takes forever - rant, rant, rant)


What are you coolin it with?

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That's on Air. AX-7 and a Tornado fan.



I've got a couple Mobile's that'll break 3Ghz

under my modded Mach 1 Prommie.


Best Mobile I have for really hangin' it out is a



A_G ....


How 'bout a Toaster on my everyday HO?



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