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Finally Upgraded -


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My Opteron 175 @ 2.5 GHz just wasn't cutting it any more so I ordered a Q6600, DFI Blood-Iron, and 8 GB of ram last Thursday. Today it came in and I got it up and running in short order. The Tuniq Tower is one HELL of a massive CPU cooler...I had no idea how large it was. :lol:



Right now I'm running two instances of Orthos, all stock voltage, at 333x9 = 3 GHz. Once it finishes 6 hours or so I'll start creeping up on the magical 400x9 number. :D

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I got impatient at 3 GHz, moved to 3.6 (400x9). It didn't like it and it simply ran too hot for my taste. The VID of my chip is 1.3 volts. :(


I dropped it to 400x8 and it's priming away now.

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From what I'v read, and heard the DFI bloodiron isn't to good at overclocking quads.

Although the DFI DK P35 is one hell of an overclocker made especially with quad in mind.

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I'll be interested to see if you can push beyond 8x400. That's where I stayed (3.2) and it's completely stable with relatively low volts (1.325v BIOS). Anything beyond that seems to take more volts than I think is worth it, and the magical 3.6 just won't happen at all.


Seems a lot of newer Q6600's are topping about 3.2, but I wish you the best of luck in either breaking that "rule" or getting an older stepping.

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I did see a new batch a L804 the other day that had a low VID and was overclocking really well, it just seem there are not many new ones with a low VID or it is not hardly anyone is buying the Q6600 anymore. Probably the latter...

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persist and experiment on the new platform :)


as you can see there are a lot more voltage options compared to 939, it took me a while to find out what they all needed to be at to reach 3.6 GHz


nice step up from the Opteron eh :D

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It's incredibly faster than the old Opty. It'll run at 3.6 perfectly fine (ran Orthos for 4 hours straight, I assume it could do more) but mid-70s temps in CoreTemp made me not want to leave it there. :blink:


I'm fairly surprised I didn't have any trouble with 4x2 GB sticks of RAM. I didn't even have to raise the voltage over stock.

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Have you tried lapping the CPU? It dropped my temps a few degrees. It took me a while to get the hang of OCing with all of the newer options available and finding the sweet spots for stability.

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Congratulation on your new build, but why run so much memory? Vista x86 is not going to cut it even if you had 4GB. You need to run a 64-BIT OS to take advantage with the amount of memory your running. Now i'm not sure how other motherboards operate but this vdrooping is one POS concept! Besides this board i got from Gigabyte is way off the margins. I have manually inputted 1.35v to only get 1.3v which successfully shows not only in the bios but in the OS as well. So far i got it running at 3GHz. Why would you want to spend over $800 for the QX6850, when you can have the same performance from the Q6600 but for only less then $200. Good luck with your overclock dude. All i know is that every load i see on this processor the voltage seems to go down until IDLE than it'll shoot back up to 1.3v. So you haven't said much about that but i'm hoping everything is good and well.

Edited by Dynamic

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I'm on Vista x64. ;) I wanted the extra memory because it was cheap and because with the parallel programming I do I can burn through 4 gigs pretty damn quickly.


The vdroop on this board isn't too bad. I have the voltage set to stock and it runs 1.32 idle, 1.3 load.


It ran Orthos all night at 3.2 GHz so I'm going to call it stable. Temps never went over 62 C even though my room got kinda hot. :D

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@Dynamic, have you tried the pencil mod yet? I have the same board and revision as you and it virtually eliminated the Vdroop, Vdrop is still there though but my idle and load Vcore readings remain under a 0.01v drop as opposed to a 0.04v drop under load before the mod. This is the pic I used vdroopzt5.jpg

the large white area is the CPU fan header just to give you an idea of where its located

Edited by Branjo

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