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Suggestions For A Good Stable Psu For Overclocking?

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As the power supply is the most important bit of hardware in anybody's rig, my advice would be to go for the best you can afford. Over the years i have only ever owned 5 psu's. The best by a very large margin is the PCP&P 1Kw i have now. But it will probably last me for another 5 years, so maybe it's not that expensive after all. My second choice would be as others have said, OCZ. Again even with OCZ, go for the best you can afford even if it means cutting back on something else. A psu that dos'nt cut the mustard, ultimately will cost more and cause grief during the course of clocking.

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Hrmm alright, so OCZ, Cosair and Thermaltake. Money isnt much of an option, Never one to go cheap on anything.. cept I did skimp on the power supply I think. Ah well, live and learn. Thanks for the suggestions.. ill shop around and find a nice one.

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Never one to go cheap on anything.. cept I did skimp on the power supply I think.


Good luck in finding what you want, but as suggested, the PSU is something you should never skimp on. It can be an expensive mistake and something I learnt the hard way!

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Own THIS and absolutely love it


Lifetime warranty? No way! I wonder if newegg has that wrong? I can't find any more information on it (if that's true...just...wow!). Those specs are not shabby at all tho. Those efficiency numbers are mind boggling.


For that kind of money, you could just get one of these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817703009

$119 after rebate... :blink:

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