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What Os Are You Running? (aside From Windows If Your Dual Booting)


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What OS are you running? Mac OS? Ubuntu? Fedora?

what are the pros and cons of your current OS

Edited by damian

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I dual boot XP MCE and opensuse 10.2 on the rig in my sig. On my laptop I dual boot XP Professional and opensuse 10.1.


There are literally hundreds of linux distributions, so, picking one can be difficult to do. I've tried DSL, Fedora and Ubuntu. They all have their little intricacies. I haven't really had any trouble with any of the operating systems (haven't installed Vista, yet...DVD's still sitting on the shelf).


Any problems I've had have been usually related to drivers. Once you straighted that out, it's usually clear running.


Linux: Pros: Smooth interface, free, runs almost anything. Cons: setting things up manually, finding obscure drivers.

Windows XP: Pros: widely accepted, drivers readily available, plays games. Cons: evil people like creating viruses, costs money, etc?


I really think I'd chose which operating system to use based on what I want to do. Music server, gaming, HTPC, internet browser, F@H?

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I simply don't have the time to dual boot anything. I like the compatibility of Windows XP Pro and I like the fact that I can go to any machine and pretty well navigate to whatever function I need. Makes it easy to trouble shoot and resolve customer issues. I simply cringe when I walk in and see a Vista unit.


And I simply cringe when I walk in and see someone with a dual boot system. Mainly because I know the customer is smart enough to set up a dual boot system (windows + some flavor of linux) and they have a problem that they can't resolve. Makes it that much tougher.

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Vista + VMWare running Ubuntu 8.04 at home.

XP SP3 on my router/laptop. Router can dual boot into Ubuntu 7.10.

Red Hat Enterprise at work.

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Home: Main Rig


XP Pro SP2 + Ubuntu 32-bit 7.10 (VMWare) + Ubuntu 64-bit 7.10 (VMWare)

Vista x64


Home: Audio Rig


XP Pro SP2


Home: Review Rig


Vista x32




FC2 (lol)




XP Pro SP2





Primarily I use XP Pro SP2 (32-bit) because it has the highest compatibility with everything, drivers, apps & games (I develop software for PCs and consoles/handheld gaming systems)... everything I need to do in Ubuntu for development, I can do inside VMWare running on XP... Vista x64 I use for DX10 (just playing games atm, maybe DX10 dev soon) and maybe XBox Live + Windows Live at some point... The other flavours of Linux (or *nix-based OSs, w/e! :lol:) I don't really care for, but have to use them for a few tasks...

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Laptop (Samsung): XP Pro SP2 (kicked Vista Home last night <_<), but I am thinking of adding Ubuntu 8.04 as well :)

Laptop (HP): being formatted right now, XP Pro SP2 (is getting sent to the buyer today)

Laptop (Compaq old POS): Straight up Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger, as that is the only Ubuntu distribution I have gotten to run on it! I tried all newer versions, all of them proved to be a no-go. Don't really know what to make of it, but that one's getting sent off today as well so whatever ;)


Family PC (HP pre-built): XP MCE SP2

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Cupboard: NetBSD 3.1.0


(mrboo@bone:ttyp0)-(~)$ uptime

7:39PM up 267 days, 7:19, 2 users, load averages: 6.45, 5.42, 3.49




All other: Windows XP SP3. May update all to Vista once I get mother a laptop which stands a chance of running it, then again... XP SP3 works.

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Nice uptime I've got about 75 days under my linux one right now, but I disconnected it to bump up the ram.


I run...

Slackware (Servers)

Fedora 7&8 with Freevo (Media Center and Server)

OpenSuse (Desktop 1)

Mandriva (Desktop 2)

OSX (A POS that I never use)

Windows XP x64 (Laptop)


Yeah...I like to dabble in OSs.


Glad to see there are some *nix users around here.

Edited by shatteredsteel

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