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DIY-Street Folders - Make The Switch!


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You should point it at the main fah folder (where you installed it), not the "work" folder if that is what you were doing.


Also, play around with the update settings in the options. Some options make it so it doesnt update until it has ran a few %, while there is an option for quicker updating IIRC.



I tried the main FAH folder, as well as the work folder and also c:/documents and settings/username folder which contains some of the client folders (not sure, thats just where the app put them when I installed it).


I deleted the 5.92 SMP client files and installed 5.91 instead.


The FAH files that were auto installed in the c:/documents and settings/username folder appear to be;


work (folder)








My client seems to be working ok (as was the 5.92 for that matter)


If I'm doing something stupid here just point it out. I'm not to proud for correction.

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The FAH files that were auto installed in the c:/documents and settings/username folder appear to be;


work (folder)








Looks like the executable is missing from that folder, can you confirm?


I also dont remember f@h creating files in other directorys other than the one i installed it to, so there may be something wrong there. Typically, all the files are stored in 1 single folder.


I will run the installer here and see what happens.

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It is required to setup the MPI service. No way around it as far as i know. You have to add a password to your useraccount before it will work properly. If it is really that bothersome, i believe tweakui from microsoft powertoys has an autologin feature.


[EDIT] Wevss, this is how i set it up.


After running the installer



Running install.bat



Directory after running install.bat, starting the client, and letting the client download and start a new project



Directory i pointed FAHMon to



At no time were other files created in different directories.

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That's plain dumb. I specifically DON'T have a password for a reason ... it's a drag. What a pain in the rear.


I don't really want to add a password either, because the TweakUI toy is prone to failing for me and reverting to require a log-in screen on reboot ... which I simply can't be dealing with. Argh.


Single core folding for now I'm afraid.

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Thanks for the complete file directory from your installation. That was a big help. I'm going to manually go in and remove all previous versions of FAH installations including cleaning up my registry and reinstall the whole lot.


I'll let you know how it goes.



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That did the trick. After manually removing all associated FAH files, directories and registry entries from previous installs I was able to successfully install the 5.91 SMP Client and add it to the FAHMon program.


All is good now.


The only thing that sucks is that since I had to shut down my plant in MO, I've lost three machines that I had dedicated to folding. It's gonna be a long crawl from here with only two machines running FAH.


But oh well, guess that is better than none. I don't like to run it on my laptops because of the heat.


Anyway, OCC gets two full time FAH machines for as long as I can afford to pay the electric bill. I've upped my cpu dedication to 75%


Previous % numbers I provided were from my first WU with the CPU utilization capped at 50% because of heat.

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Awesome, glad its sorted now :)


The points will roll in quicker than you think now that you are running the SMP client (you werent before, correct?)


Yea, i have never liked folding on laptops personally, considering how hot some get under regular usage...


Wowza, 22m per % at 50% cpu? Bump it to 100% for a few % to see what the times are :P Should be pretty impressive i imagine.

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Wowza, 22m per % at 50% cpu? Bump it to 100% for a few % to see what the times are :P Should be pretty impressive i imagine.


I would if I lived in Canada :)


We are already at around 76F here during the days and a little warmer in the house since I haven't kicked on the a/c yet. When I first installed the SMP client and had my CPU utilization set to 100% my cores were running at 59-60C


A little too warm for my liking for 24/7 operation, especially considering it was just for folding.


At 50% cpu my max temperatures are 50C, at 75% my max temperatures are at 56C.


That's about the highest I'm comfortable with for 24/7 operation.

Edited by wevsspot

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