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The Photo Game

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Lol, I keep my shirts 'till they wear out.


Me too, but I keep the ones that are nearly worn out for home and the newer ones for when I go to school.

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I'm not gonna say that you cheated but I can't really read your name.



Holding the piece of paper with your name on it in your hand and tossing the object would have worked better...


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You do realize I'm holding a big DSLR with an 18-105 lens on it right?


I can't hold the camera, hold the name, and drop the object all at once.

Edited by l33t p1mp

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You do realize I'm holding a big DSLR with an 18-105 lens on it right?


I can't hold the camera, hold the name, and drop the object all at once.


Excuses, excuses!

Tripod my friend tripod

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You do realize I'm holding a big DSLR with an 18-105 lens on it right?


I can't hold the camera, hold the name, and drop the object all at once.

Yea you can...


Steps to complete such a task:

  1. Obtain small piece of paper
  2. Write forum user name on said piece of paper
  3. Obtain camera
  4. Turn on camera and set to action mode and turn on macro focus (or a mode with a fast shutter speed and small focal length)
  5. Set down the camera
  6. Grasp piece of paper with name written on it between thumb and forefinger of left hand (vice versa depending on hand orientation)
  7. Face palm upwards with paper still between fingers
  8. Using right hand place wooden object in palm of left hand
  9. Using right hand pick up camera and place right index finger on shutter of camera
  10. Hold camera with right hand approximately 24 inches from left hand
  11. Aim camera at left hand (that should still be facing upwards, grasping the paper and holding the wooden object)
  12. Toss wooden object into air with left hand
  13. Immediately take a picture before the wooden object comes back into contact with your left palm

If desired result occurs you should then upload picture to Overclockersclub.com.


If desired result does not occur then repeat steps 3-13...



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