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Creationists Pollute Young Minds At Museum


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KB, I watched part of your link, and honestly didn't see anything that "disproved" ID. Just a bunch of stuff that supports evolution. And I agree, ID is not science because it is not testable. But that doesn't prove anything. They aren't mutually exclusive once you stop drawing extraneous, unsupported conclusions from evolution or creationism. The fact that evolution may not be a theory still doesn't not explain the "why". Simply the "how" at a physical level. I guess since I agree that ID isn't science, then it probably isn't the proper term for what I believe. But I do believe that evolution is driven by a higher power.


As for not belonging in a museum, the museum curators weren't the ones giving the tour. It was an independant group and they therefore can say whatever they want.

That depends on what kind of ID you believe in. And the search for "why" is from the human desire for reason. You could start getting into the basis of something has to set off something else, and then try to use that as proof for a higher being, but it's nothing more than ignorance.

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this is stupid who really cares about this i mean if the parents dont care then why should it matter i mean this is a group of christen home schooled kids there going to be taught different then this. also this country pays way to much attention to the wrong things like this what about the kids that dont even have a education what about the kids that have crack head parents that dont even know either one of these topics.

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this is stupid who really cares about this i mean if the parents dont care then why should it matter i mean this is a group of christen home schooled kids there going to be taught different then this. also this country pays way to much attention to the wrong things like this what about the kids that dont even have a education what about the kids that have crack head parents that dont even know either one of these topics.




Edited by p8baller07

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well at the same point, these are young kids that are getting hammered with this creationism junk and telling them that science is wrong, the issue here is that kids that young believe anything an adult says, they could tell them the earth is flat and that would believe it. If it was a group of kids older then it wouldn't be so bad at least the would have more of a choice and understanding of what they are being told. I'm sorry if I'm offending you or your religion. I was brought up Catholic, went to a Catholic school, thus I'm no longer Catholic. So I've been taught religion and have read the Bible. But I have to say that I was never taught that Science was wrong. Now I'm not trying to say that your religion is bad or wrong all I'm saying is, seriously Creationism the way these people put it, is wrong. Scientists themselves say that it is a miracle that life sparked on this planet. And are you actually going to take a book written, published, and SOLD by man as the word of God? The Bible is not meant to be taken word for word. Again I'm not trying to mock your beliefs, but you can not tell me that a book that has many different versions and interpretations is the word of God.


Holla back! Math, statistics, odds, chaos theory, (universe tends to fall towards chaos without intervention,) matter/energy breakdown theory, It's hard to argue.


Quick thought, If an animal needed to evolve to survive and only one piece of DNA had to change how hard would that be? Would the animal die before it happened? Do life forms tend to mutate towards perfection or do genetic variances cause major problems for all life that experiences them?


Well how that works is something called Natural Selection. Basically Survival of the Fittest. And yes if the animal was not able to survive in its environment it would die. Creatures don't mutate towards perfection, they are random mutations that may affect different things. Example time. You have two birds of the same species and they get food by using there beak to eat bugs out of the ground. Now you have one bird who has evolve with a beak that is a little longer and the other's is shorter. Odds are against the shorter beaked bird from getting the food, so that bird dies. Now the bird with the longer beak survives to pass on it's genetic traits. So you then would have those genes being passed on to it's offspring and the their offspring and so on and so on.


Definition of Natural Selection


Natural selection is the process by which favorable heritable traits become more common in successive generations of a population of reproducing organisms, and unfavorable heritable traits become less common. Natural selection acts on the phenotype, or the observable characteristics of an organism, such that individuals with favorable phenotypes are more likely to survive and reproduce than those with less favorable phenotypes. The phenotype's genetic basis, genotype associated with the favorable phenotype, will increase in frequency over the following generations. Over time, this process can result in adaptations that specialize organisms for particular ecological niches and may eventually result in the emergence of new species. In other words, natural selection is the mechanism by which evolution may take place in a population of a specific organism.

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