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Water cooling temps


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Ever since I Installed my first E8400 chip. I never saw temps below 45 C even at Idle ( stock). ( I believe I had a stuck Thermal sensor )

Well even after getting my second E8400. My temps never drop below 41C at Idle( stock)

On the exact same loop with my old E6850. I got temps of around 30C idle at stock..

and oc'ed to 3.6 ghz @ 1.45V Never above 60C


On my E8400 currently at 3.9 ghz @ 1.375 V I get idle about 42 C and @ load i get about 57C max.


What would explain this temp rise with the new processor thats supposed to run cooler than the old one.


The only difference was that when I had the E6850, there was about 9 feet of tubing in the system because my old case, I had to mount the Radiator outside the case.


Now that I got a new case and a new processor. I'm only running about 6 feet of tubing.



These temps were taken before I installed my Maze 4 chipset block.


The radiator has a Antec Tri-cool fan set to High.

The only difference was when I had my Antec 900. The radiator was on top of that big 200mm fan with the Tri-cool blowing the same way.

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im about 99% sure the dfi is a bit crappy in the cpu temps ......


did u use core temp and dfi smart gurdien??



cuz u can set the cpu temps in the bios so u can change how far out the temp prob is ....



my e6850 *acording to the dfi smart guadien is* is some times 45c idel and with core temp its 17c neither sound any good my room temp is around 20c and the air after being blown though the rad is only 22c...

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All the temps listed above were from using Coretemp in windows.


Installed DFI Smart guardian and temps report about 37C idle and 46C under Orthos load.

While Coretemp reports 43C idle and about 55C load...


Not sure which one to believe ?

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My core temp reads about 20 c lower than the smart gurdian so i jsut belive core temp ..... it if gets to hot it shuts down Right?? so if core temp says its 60 c and smart gurdian says its 90c witch one would u belive then?



othere than that the 680i nb needs to be cold ... the stock fan fixes better than the maze 4 block so i might put better fan on it and use that see wat happens

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I belive the 8400 runs warmer than the 6850. Are you cooling your vidio cards also ? I had a QX6850 being cooled by a 12TEC Boreas setup.Temps at idle were 14c-12c-12c-10c. I sold the QX6850 and bought a QX9650 which was supposed to run cooler,but temps with the same cooling system are 28c-26c-24c-28c at idle. They said the QX9650 would run cooler lol

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My temps never exceed 55c with the quad at full load 3.9 and 1.5vcore, I also have a a northbridge cooler the MCW30 in the loop. I have checked the temps that ubuntu reports with coretemp in windows at the same settings folding full load and they read the same...


Edit: My other water cooled quad rig with a 220 swiftech radiator and only the fuzion in the loop with a D5 pump runs a little hotter with 1.5 vcore at 3850mhz. It ran quiet a bit hotter with the apogee gt block also around 60c

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