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Q6600 Has Me Confounded


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ok guys,


I've been trying to get this Q6600 stable @ 3ghz for the last two days - and no matter what I do, I always end up getting BSOD'd during a Prime95x4 run. I've tried running linked/synched, and unlinked. I've been increasing vCore - now up to 1.3v and no luck. while I totally understand that every chip is different, can I ask what you guys who are running OC'd Q6600's have their vCore at? am I just being too conservative w/the juice?


my chip's VID is 1.2875

I think I've got a pretty wicked vDroop - BIOS 1.3v, CPU load (via Everest + CPU-Z) 1.22, and I'll be pencil modding tomorrow


I'm sure you can all imagine the different settings I've tried, so I'll just go through a few...


- FSB: 334, RAM @ DDR2-1066 2.1v 5-5-5-18 2T

- FSB: 334, RAM @ DDR2-800 1.8v 5-5-5-18 2T

- FSB: 334, RAM @ DDR2-800 2.1v 4-4-4-12 1T

- FSB: 334, RAM @ DDR2-667 1.8v 5-5-5-18 2T


CPU Multi always @ 9x, all across a range of vCores - again, up to 1.3v, and all end up BSOD. I'm really kinda at my wit's end, and I could use a friendly push in the right direction. while my new cooler (Zerotherm Nirvana) scales great - never over 50 C @ 100% load - I'm hesitant to keep pumping volts into it w/no success...help? :unsure:

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ok, so I've about had it w/this board - at least, I'm pretty sure it's the problem. all day been trying higher vCores, all day same BSOD's. still trying to get stable @ 3.0ghz, I got up to 1.4250v - which @ load got my temps up in the low to mid 60's C, and got the same BSOD. today has also been spent testing my RAM - which is fine, making sure my CPU is ok @ stock, which it is - couldnt think of another test for CPU, so just put it back to 2.4ghz and ran Prime x4 for the past 4 hrs or so. so am I wrong to blame the MB?


so, barring advice from ya'll to the contrary, this board is going back to Tiger. my options, as I see them are:


Gigabyte GA-P35-DS4


Abit IP35 Pro




price really isnt an issue here - my 780i to be returned is almost $100 more than any of these boards - so plz dont pick on price only. I'm looking for OC-ability and stability first. I like the expandability on the Gigabyte and DFI boards. I'm willing to learn DFI if it's hands down the best board of the three, although I havent read nearly as much about it as I have the Gigabyte and Abit boards.


it's a damn shame, I really did like that 780i board - but I cant compete in Forum Wars w/out OC-ing. and I have to OC, so yeah...


EDIT - I really, really want to get this right w/out much more BS. although our posted content may be VERY similar in recent memory, I'm not Phil. no offense, Phil - seriously. I look around here, at the long-term members - the guys who DO know better - and I see that those guys are recommending the Gigabyte and Abit and DFI boards. I picked the DFI board because of huge successes had w/Blood Iron (which last I saw on here was discontinued?) and thought maybe their other boards are solid - DFI seems to have a strong following here, that's for sure.


anyways, I'm just about at my limit w/this - I just wanna get the right board. thanks. :)

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