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my first OC


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this is mostly a very big THANK YOU to everybody who's been patient w/me and offered advice on any number of things here - I really, really appreciate it. :)


I'm not done yet, but I think I'm off to a decent start - from 2.2ghz to 2.53ghz stable on the 1/2 hr. OCCT test, and another 1/2 hr. on Orthos (blend, priority 8). I'm a dummy and closed the Orthos window, but I will provide photographic proof later on. @ load, temps never got higher than 47 C on air. upon completion, I'll provide evidence of Orthos, Prime95, OCCT, and RTHDRIBL - each run for at least 12 hrs.


also, I'd like to thank nrg for pointing me in the direction of volt-modding my vid cards - I had to RMA my older card, but when I get it back I will be modding both of them, and providing proof of such.


thanks again, guys...I certainly couldnt have done this w/out ya's. :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up:



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If you opened CPU-Z again, and switched to the Memory tab, then opened up CoreTemp and GPU-Z/RivaTuner, you wouldn't have to do all that writing :)


Good start... now lets see what you can do next :)

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ok, hopefully I got the pictures thumbnailed properly...


I got the OC up to 2.618 last nite, and ran a combo of Orthos and RTHDRIBL while I slept. 13 hrs stable and temps didnt break 50 C @ load - pretty happy about that. :thumbs-up:


action shot with testing still going



post-test idle


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ok, hopefully I got the pictures thumbnailed properly...


I got the OC up to 2.618 last nite, and ran a combo of Orthos and RTHDRIBL while I slept. 13 hrs stable and temps didnt break 50 C @ load - pretty happy about that. :thumbs-up:


action shot with testing still going



post-test idle


Congratulations, this how we all got started. Look out it can be addicting especially with Folding@Home...

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one thing that I found interesting is that if I lowered the CPU multiplier to 10x, Windows wouldnt boot. I was trying to keep my HTT clock @ 1000mhz with the HTT multi @ 5x. how much negative effect should I expect having my HTT clock @ 952mhz instead of 1000mhz?


obviously to fix that issue, I lowered the HTT multi to 4x - and pushing the OC a little higher got me close to stock (HTT 1000mhz)

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how much negative effect should I expect having my HTT clock @ 952mhz instead of 1000mhz?

roughly 0%... just make sure it's under 1000 MHz to avoid instability... DFI NF4 boards can go up to about 1200 MHz HTT, but most others can't, there's no real advantage to going above 1000 MHz, you might get like 2 more points on 3DM01SE or something lol


Nice OC on (near) stock volts, looks like you've got a lot of headroom there once you hit speeds that need the vCore bumped up a bit :)


I'd recommend using OCCT 1/2 hour or SPi32M as a quicker stability test, and using Orthos later... running extended stability tests isn't something you really want to do until you've reached your approximate max OC with SPi/OCCT... it just saves days of testing... also, you can't post a 15 hour Orthos in the 939 thread, well you could, but it would only count as a suicide :P

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alright - today was a good day. thank you guys for the encouragement. :thumbs-up:


picked up the OCZ Platinum PC3200 2x1gb kit today, wow this stuff is amazing. I guess quality RAM does make a HUGE difference. re: the OCZ - in the thread I asked for opinions on it, I really did take everything you guys said and added it to my decision making, but it's $99 @ the Egg, which is on par w/the A-Data kingdingeling suggested. ambient temps in my computer nook are 18.89 C. anyways, here's the pics:


action shot - note the temps @ load



idle shot



re: the RAM - I let my board auto-adjust the RAM. should I be as excited about the timings as I am? or should I expect better if I go in and tweak it myself? also, is using the auto-adjust stupidly lazy? I really wanna do this right, I'm just having a little trouble wrapping my brain around the RAM end.


I dunno if I need to say this or not, but - my PC is strictly air cooled. I have 2 120mm fans for intake/exhaust, an 80mm fan for exhaust, and a Zalman CNPS9500 CPU cooler.


you may notice a discrepancy in the times of the screen shots - I forgot to take the action shot before I closed OCCT, so I just re-ran the same test.

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have you tried changing the CR to 1T... it's a decent boost in performance if you can run it :)


2.5-3-2-5 is excellent for 1gig sticks at that speed!



thanks nrg - I'm all feelin happy. :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up:


1T stopped being stable @ DDR460, unfortunately...although, I hope hitting DDR500 @ 2.5-3-2-5 2T as proven by the screenies below will make up some of that lost ground.


if I may, I'd like to ask some more advice - as you'll see, I've managed to hit CPU @ 2750mhz/HTT 1000mhz/DDR500...where do I go from here? is dropping the HTT multiplier to 3x and pushing the CPU higher the right answer? or should I try to keep my HTT at or close to 1000mhz? or maybe something else entirely? I'm very open to any suggestions...


these tests were run with room temp @ 18.89 C, same as before. I had to up the vDIMM to 2.7v, stock is 2.6v. all previous screenies were using stock vDIMM.


again, I'd like to extend a huge THANK YOU to everybody who's helped me understand what I'm doing, and been patient w/me + my sometime stupid ?'s... :ph34r:


action shot:



idle shot:


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have you tried changing the CR to 1T... it's a decent boost in performance if you can run it :)


2.5-3-2-5 is excellent for 1gig sticks at that speed!


heck yeah it is! I nave the same cpu my oc is @ 2.797 and my ram will only run @ 3-4-4-6-16! if i try to lower it it is way unstable. my temps are about 4-7c lower on idle and 5-7c on load but I'm runnin thermaltake water cooling.

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