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Geez why did it take me so long to find this thread? I usually don't post on threads like this, but I just have to say it. You have two options (to summarize what everyone else has said), either grow a pair and tell her how you feel already, or just accept the fact that you two no longer have a future together and find someone else. Think of how many other women are out there. It's crazy. You will find someone else.

Edited by Crow47

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yeah man, she transferred schools 1000 miles away and is too jealous for a long distant relationship, even though she wants one (well, she's transferring again, but closer... 200 miles away). Told her it's been so long since I've seen her on a steady basis, I'd have to take things slow and get to know her again... god knows I've changed in this past year. She's scared I'd be leading her on, and I told her I couldn't promise we'd get back together. She was too scared of the sound of that, and so now we're not talking anymore. She took the breakup really hard, especially me hooking up with another girl while broken up. There ya have it.

Too jealous for a LDR? No, too smart. They are the WORST you can have, and I have yet to see any work out.

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distance = bad


its killed more relationships than anything else.


Really depends for how long and how far. Long distance relationships tend to work better when the couple has spent a lot of time together before one or both move away.

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yeah man, she transferred schools 1000 miles away and is too jealous for a long distant relationship, even though she wants one (well, she's transferring again, but closer... 200 miles away). Told her it's been so long since I've seen her on a steady basis, I'd have to take things slow and get to know her again... god knows I've changed in this past year. She's scared I'd be leading her on, and I told her I couldn't promise we'd get back together. She was too scared of the sound of that, and so now we're not talking anymore. She took the breakup really hard, especially me hooking up with another girl while broken up. There ya have it.

Wait, let me get this straight -


You wanted to get back together with her.

You think she's jealous (which doesn't make any sense) for not wanting a long distance relationship (bad idea anyway).

She offers to get back together, you refuse (uh, what???).

Then you go and hook up with some other random rebound chick (smart move buddy!).

And now you say you've changed a lot in the past year and that you can't promise you'd get back together (even though she apparently kept the hope up that you'd come around after all that .).

You're no longer talking because of all of the above (big surprise).



Any now you're confused as to why she won't get back together with you? I'm totally lost as to why you are confused about her reaction. Everything you've done has been awesome for scaring her away...

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My steps.

Cut all communcation with her

Hang out with your friends

have ur private time to mope

go find a hobby


it will be tough but remember, if u were supposed to be together, wouldnt u still be? think about that

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