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Do I get over this girl? I dated her for three years, the only person I've ever met that I've truly connected with. We broke up 9 months ago and have been fighting and talking and taking breaks ever since. I'm dying. She's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen, and we have SO much fun together...but it's just not working out right now. I just got off the phone with her, 3 hour conversation, and I think it's for good now (believe me, I've thought that in the past). I don't think I can get over her, the thought of being with someone else is HOPELESS and the thought of her with someone else tears me apart. I really have never felt this way before, I feel so alone, I lost my only real friend.


I've moped on here before, and it's usually for some kind of advice... but now I just want to vent a little. Feel free to IM me if you've been through a rough breakup too... maybe one of the older members. Bionix12

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9 months!? What you need is to busy yourself, and cut the damn umbilical cord already. After relationship "friend" or not, the faster way to getting over it will be start doing something else, and stop talking to her. That is of course, if you guys' have no intention of reconnecting, or getting on with your life. It wont heal if you keep picking at it, and that's exactly what you're doing. Long relationships are fine, and friends afterwards can be alright; but if you're having that big of a problem just cut communication. /no offense intended


Theres 3 billion other women out there bud, the chances you'll never find anyone you like again..... are pretty damn slim :)

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yep stop talking to her, keep yourself busy, and dont think about her. (the major thing is dont talk to her, take her number out of your phone so you wont see it on a daily base, take her off your msn, yahoo, aim whatever, so you dont see it and constantly remind yourself of her. hide anything that you want to keep but dont want to look at, because it will remind you of her. this is what i did, or i never would of got over her. it works trust me.


and nine months where you have only fought and talked, chances of you guys getting back together, and staying together in a happy relationship doesnt sound that good.

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ha i's just that I don't want to lose her... but I don't want to be with her right now either. I'm losing a girl I could definatley see myself marrying. Yeah I know there are other girls, haven't met any as beatitful or that make me laugh like she does. I'm not an idiot or a sucker, I'll give it time, I'll go on dates.... but I'm positive I won't forget her and I really don't know if it's possible to fall completely in love again. Rar

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