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lol @ silly anti-abortionists


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these are the kind of people that make me mad they dont think anything out before jumping on the bandwagon. i mean i think its wrong in some cases but other its ok like rape and so on but not if your just being stupid you should take care of you child.

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these are the kind of people that make me mad they dont think anything out before jumping on the bandwagon. i mean i think its wrong in some cases but other its ok like rape and so on but not if your just being stupid you should take care of you child.

just hop on the bandwagon... it doesn't matter if you even thought about it or not! :lol:



and i share the same viewpoint as you on the subject ;)

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I really expected them to flip out and say the woman should be shot or something rediculous. That would have at least been a little bit predictable, but when they say dont think they should be punished.... They make no sense what so ever.

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If abortion is murder and the punishment is prayer, so then I guess all those people we executed under the death penalty was a pretty bad idea.... :P

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If abortion is murder and the punishment is prayer, so then I guess all those people we executed under the death penalty was a pretty bad idea.... :P

Was it really? Aren't they all going to a better place like the little aborted babies? Looks to me like we're kinda doing them a favor.


There are pros and cons to the whole abortion thing. On the up side it's one less child that's going to have to suffer under a parent(s) who isn't prepared for the responsibility and the obviously the con to that would be that it's one less child who could potentially do great things. I'm fine with women getting an abortion after being raped(I believe it spares the child the pain of having to know that it was the product of a crime) but if it's just for personal reasons then it shouldn't be tolerated. But that's just what I believe.

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The law as it currently stands is perfect the way it is. Letting a woman do what she wants with her body is totally her decision. We don't need some stupid government regulations restricting what she can or cannot do with her body, and that's pretty much the essence of our current law.


We allow for abortions till the end of the first trimester for personal reasons, and for medical reasons for the second and third trimesters. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. If a woman has been knowingly pregnant for 4 months, chances are she isn't going to abort the baby just for kicks.


I think this whole "abortion is morally reprehensible" argument is a bunch of bull. Just because it's against YOUR beliefs that it means you can restrict it. It's called pro-CHOICE for a reason

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Letting a woman do what she wants with her body is totally her decision.

But it's not her body, its another human being growing inside of her. There are so many woman out there that are having abortions just because they can't keep their legs closed.


It's called pro-CHOICE for a reason

What about the baby's choice? I bet it would choose to live.


I think there should be jail time for women that have illegal abortions. Not just prayer and counseling. I mean if you do something that is illegal you should be punished.

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Was it really? Aren't they all going to a better place like the little aborted babies? Looks to me like we're kinda doing them a favor.


There are pros and cons to the whole abortion thing. On the up side it's one less child that's going to have to suffer under a parent(s) who isn't prepared for the responsibility and the obviously the con to that would be that it's one less child who could potentially do great things. I'm fine with women getting an abortion after being raped(I believe it spares the child the pain of having to know that it was the product of a crime) but if it's just for personal reasons then it shouldn't be tolerated. But that's just what I believe.


Nicely said. We flow on the same boat of beliefs on that subject.

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