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Started up a night elf shadow priest named "Healiryduff" :lol: . Going use her for PvP. She is at level 9 right now. I heard SP was dying out and Disc with dps gear priest are moving in for arenas, but I will have to wait and see.


Did a few more runs in Kara and now my paladin is at 1507 heals and 18.7 holy crit. Heroics are a breeze if the tank is a prot pally. I have yet to run one with a feral druid. Warrior tanks hog up all my mana and I have spam constantly to keep them up. Esp those dang Fury/Arms Warriors who think they can tank if they just put on a shield and keep their dps gear on.

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Ok sooo we all know i'm back on the WoW. I also recently joined a guild.....FeMaelstrom.....50% female guild.....previously known as "Girls gone WoW" lol.


Oh and I will say that I am very pleased with some of the changes.....I like being able to pick pocket my flash powder and poison reagents.

Wait... a guild about women, only 50% women :P?


I've got my rogue to 53 now, slowly working to 54.

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Time for a topic refresher.


I started doing arenas with my Holy Paladin and it's pretty fun. I earned an 1600 rated 2v2 and 1599 5v5. My 2v2 would have broken 1700 rating last week, but my teammate ran it with another holy paladin and he totally screwed it up and lost like 3 games in a row and dropped us down to 1600 from 1660. Got my season 3 helm which is pretty nice. Downed Gruuls for the first time last night with another guild.


Started up a gnome warrior. He is level 35 right now. Not sure what I want to do with him at end game. Thought about a MS warrior for arena or fury for PvE. The thought of seeing a little gnome in S3 and two war glaives excites me.


Let me know how your progression has been going, at least for the people who still play. ^^



No this topic will never die.



Patch 2.4 should be coming out soon. A lot of new crazy loot from badges. I saved up about 149 badges so far. Can't wait to try out Mag's Terrance. Paladins get a small buff, which is always nice. Druid's cyclone is still overpowered, even with the new nerf. No fun when a druid can just cyclone you an entire match.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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