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Just how hot does the Southbridge/Northbridge get?

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Hey guys I am getting ready to install water cooling on the GA P35 DQ6 so I took the heat pipe cooler off and the MCW30 will not fit the Southbridge. I had planned to cool the North and Southbridge. My question is just how hot do they get? I could either...


1. Put the heat pipe back cooler back on and just water cool the CPU and video card.

2. Water cool the Northbridge only and leave the Southbridge with nothing if it does not get that hot, maybe stick a few of these on it.

3. Wait and order something else to stick on the Southbridge.



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I think they look really nice. I'd keep them.

This is not for looks, its for the highest performance. I guess I can try it and redo it latter if it does not cool enough.

Edited by road-runner

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In my experience, the sb has never gotten hot enough to put more than a heatsink on it. The nb on the other hand, I can see usefulness in wc'ing it.


So if you can, wc the nb and find a seperate heatsink for the sb. Perhaps something off an older motherboard you don't use.


Or, you could do what you mentioned, put the passive heat pipe cooler back on and just wc the cpu. (assuming you'll still have decent air flow.)

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@ cooclat, the 939 boards don't have a southbridge! <_<

in fairness, the 939 chipset is pretty much equivalent to a southbridge, if you look at its functionality, they are pretty much identical... there is however, no northbridge chipset on a 939 motherboard

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in fairness, the 939 chipset is pretty much equivalent to a southbridge, if you look at its functionality, they are pretty much identical... there is however, no northbridge chipset on a 939 motherboard


It's a bit of both I believe. The north bridge houses traditionally houses the memory controller, AGP/PCI-E connections, and links the south bridge to the rest of the system (Basically all the high speed connections, sort of the center of your computer) and the south bridge gets all the other lower speed stuff (SATA/IDE/PCI).


But the A64 incorporates the MC into the CPU itself, so I believe the chipset in an A64 system is a... Nosuth bridge?

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:lol: My chipset (insert other name for it here if you like :P) can get up to about 50*c when i'm pushing it... that's with a stock h/s though, as the graphicxs card gets in the way of anything large

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