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Sub Woofers Cought on Fire.. How to Get Rid of the Smoke Smell?

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Well the title says it all, 2001 Honda CR-V SE, leather seats, the car was full of smoke for about 5-10 seconds before everything was ripped out of the trunk.



The amp was faulty, never seen a car audio place give a free upgrade so fast ;)



I've already sprayed an entire bottle of frabreeze (SP) in the car, and driven around all night with the windows down and heater on full blast.



Thanks for any help, and please don't talk smack about how uncool, annoying, etc etc subs in cars are.

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Lighting a large box of matches? That might be a temporally fix.
Throw a hand grenade in it and run.

Weird, I always heard that the fecal matter of a zimbabwaian frog lizard could remove any stink...

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Just dont get it on your leather seats or else your going to have to shave them.

Man that happened one time when some Jiff spilled in my Maserati, 2 weeks later I had fuzzy splotches on my expensive leather! <_<


It was weird though I was certain that leather ceased to be "living" after removal, I then found out that leather is still alive after it istaken from the "creature" especially so with the exotic leather manufacturing technique that Maserati uses, I was dumbfounded.




Try an large open can of coffee, it might absorb the smell a bit...

Bking Soda might work also because it absorbs smells (works in refrigerators)

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The smell is in the fabric, like that on the floor and that lining your trunk. You'll have to clean them to get the smell out.


I spilled something with a strong smell on my floor, and there was this foaming spray that you leave on for a little while that gets the smell out.

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