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I am not a Star Wars geek or whatever so I was wondering how many are there? And in what order are you supposed to watch them? I've seen like 1 of them before and want to know why so many people like it :P

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I love Star Wars! There are 6 movies in all. Technically you are supposed to watch 1 -> 6, but you can always do it by date and watch 4 -> 6, then 1 -> 3. Anyway just watch them! The classics are much better IMO.

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Only seen one?!


As has already been said, the stories technically go in order from 1 to 6, but 4-6 came out first, then they went back and did 1-3. If you watch them, it will be VERY obvious that 1-3 are new and 4-6 are.... not :P But IMO, 1-3 are not NEARLY as good. It takes more than special effects to make a movie good.

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Watch 4-6 first, then do 1-3. Even though the storyline is 1-6, it will actually make more sense to you if you watch 4-6 first because then you'll understand 1-3 better.


IMHO, Episode 3 was/is the best of them all.

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I think I watched 4 - 6 now (the 6th one is bout to end on HBO) so I guess now 1 - 3? Even though the end of the entire series is just Darth Vader dying? -.-

hey, don't ruin for those who haven't seen it!


oh, who am I kidding...you're the only fool who hasn't seen it :P lol, j/k


Episodes 1-3 will explain the rise of Darth Vader and what led to the occurrences of 4-6, so yes, watch them :P


Plus they have the bonus of having Natalie in them :D;)

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Plus they have the bonus of having Natalie in them :D;)



an not nearly enough to put up with that friggin' jar jar muppet, or the crappy kid in episode 1... infact natalie's piss poor acting went right along with episodes 1 - 3




did they seriously direct her to act that poorly?

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an not nearly enough to put up with that friggin' jar jar muppet, or the crappy kid in episode 1... infact natalie's piss poor acting went right along with episodes 1 - 3

did they seriously direct her to act that poorly?

Her acting wasn't bad, it was her cheesy lines, so yes, it was Lucas' fault.

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Why did they do that? Why not make them 1 - 6? Now I don't know how to watch em :P


They didn't have the tech. to do it back then. Heck, they pretty much rewrote the book on special effects when they made A New Hope


Now think what pod racing would've looked like back in the 70s/80s with a crap budget. But I agree, classics first, then the crap... err, new ones

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I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan. But there is one thing I have learned. George Lucas is a BAD writer. Or I should say, has BECOME a bad writer. The first three movies were amazing, then Lucas went crazy and wrote episodes 1-3. The latest trilogy lacks proper character development, only a superficial use of the Force, and VERY bad lines, which is sad because many of the actors are top notch.


I much rather enjoy the non-Lucas written material. The books, the comics, and the video games make Star Wars an AMAZING genre. Authors like Timothy Zahn and Michael Stackpole are just superb. The material is expanded upon so much and in such a great way that Lucas' attempts look pathetic. There was great potential for Episodes 1-3. The stories could have been amazing. But then the moron Lucas went ahead and pissed on such great opportunities just so that he could dazzle us with special effects. He has failed to realize that it isn't visual effects that make a great movie, but rather storyline and acting. Just look at Episodes 4-6. Great story telling compensated for the fact that visual effects were limited by the technology of that time period. Plus, special effects aren't "special" when they're in every scene... <_<


I'm just glad George Lucas won't be doing the writing for the slated Star Wars TV show :)

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