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  1. 1. What topic would you like to see more articles / reviews on?

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Sounds like we need to draw up a list of ideas for wanted guides, then get some members to volunteer to write them.


Either that or just let members (or staff) do it off their own backs.

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Sounds like we need to draw up a list of ideas for wanted guides, then get some members to volunteer to write them.


Either that or just let members (or staff) do it off their own backs.

Well nobody's stopping any member from writing a guide and submitting it to bosco to get it stamped "official." I would do one if I had any idea what I'd make a guide for. lol

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Well nobody's stopping any member from writing a guide and submitting it to bosco to get it stamped "official." I would do one if I had any idea what I'd make a guide for. lol


answered your own question there!


we need to know what sort of things people want to know about before we can write them...perhaps a chicken and egg situation? :lol:


I think some more modding guides and such would be nice. techniques on how to mod properly with the right tools etc.

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answered your own question there!


we need to know what sort of things people want to know about before we can write them...perhaps a chicken and egg situation? :lol:


I think some more modding guides and such would be nice. techniques on how to mod properly with the right tools etc.

Yeah yeah yeah.

I haven't fully woken up yet :P:lol:

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Well nobody's stopping any member from writing a guide and submitting it to bosco to get it stamped "official."

That's a good point really. You don't have to be "staff" to make a guide or a worklog. I wasn't staff when I made my OC Basics and RAID Guide threads. Plus, things have gotten even easier since then. We've got an official editing staff now. So if you write something and you want help cleaning it up and making it presentable, we've got people that can probably help you do that.


Beyond that, just take pictures when you do things. That's how I did my Intake Vent Guide. A perfect example is Fueler's Current Worklog. If you just skimmed that thread and only looked at pictures without reading a word, you'd still have a solid idea of his project and what he's done, and you'd probably get some ideas of your own too. Nrg's case worklog was the same way (though it's kind of been back-burnered these days :P).

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A perfect example is Fueler's Current Worklog. If you just skimmed that thread and only looked at pictures without reading a word, you'd still have a solid idea of his project and what he's done, and you'd probably get some ideas of your own too.
That's the first thing I thought of too. Fueler's thread is the perfect example.

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I did my 775 OC competition and the 775 OCing guide back then, I posted my blowhole worklog (kinna easy, true) but I just don't have the tools to mod something really serious. I have something planned for the first 2 weeks of april though, nice easter vacation project. Stay tuned for that B:)

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