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Computer Madness descends Upon Us


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Don't know about other Computer Tech's working out there, but we have been swamped with phone calls and people coming in for advice on buying vista. It's madness I tell ya.


One person brought in an old PC that is barely able to run xp let alone try and install Vista. Confusion, misunderstanding, and the desire to run out and buy Vista has set in.


Yesterday I have seen everything.. I ended up typing up and printing out Vista system requirements to pass out .

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Thats why I am glad I do not work at a computer repair shop while I'm in college...


I was funny the other day in my Visual Basic class (Taking for an easy A) the teacher was talking about Vista and how it is going to be released and he was going to go out and buy it...he wanted to know what all he was going to expect in it, I popped up one of the topics in the forums and showed him, I think it was the Vista: good or bad topic, but Im not sure...lets just say I got some extra credit and a better standing in the teachers eye :)


so thank you OCC for helping me get a better grade ;)



I was wrong, it was the Vista goes gold online topic

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haha, nice mojo ;)


This will happen to a lot of people, Vista will generate a ton of problems again, its normal! When we switched to XP from ME (2000 Millenium Edition), XP was out for like 8 months already. I personally have NO intention to upgrade to Vista in the next year or so, cause its one, too expensive for my likes, and two, needs time for driver and game support etc.

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i too, can attest to Mad's post. i might not be certified tech yet, but man, i too have been swamped by vista questions.

i hate being the techy in the family.

and extended family :wacko:

it is a pain in the . being the only one in the family that can troubleshoot computers


haha, nice mojo ;)

thanks, Im trying to listen to him right now, but he is trying to explain to all the people in the class how to use the If...Then...Else Statements :ph34r:


how hard can it be?

If x>y then




end if


there you go done!

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I've had a couple of people ask if/when we were upgrading to Vista here at work. I just laugh. We still have a few machines running Win2k for God's sake because some of the older systems here don't have what it takes to run XP.


Regardless, MS has to be happy about the "madness"

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of course, they did do a good job with with all of the pretty GUI in vista, which is one thing that will attract a lot of the people to buy it, even if they cant put it on their machine, or if they don't need to upgrade, they will still buy it because it looks prettier than XP


M$is happy, small computer shops are happy as long as they have a lot of copies of vista, and the consumer who is buying the product is going to be happy as well...:)


everyone wins!

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I can just imagine the horrors... :ph34r:


My dad asked me the other day if he should get Vista, I told him that he barely knows how to work XP and that most of his older software doesn't even run on that and that at this point in time there will be a lot of driver issues and software problems to work out...

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I thank god that I am at college right now and I am terrified to go back to work. The switch from IE 6 to 7 was a HORRIBLE week. Everyone did not know what was going on, mass pandemonium, and so many phone calls. The release of the Wii was also pretty bad, but I cant and don't want to imagine Vista. I will go and cry in the corner now.

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So far I have got a lot of questions about it to. I've so far been told to build 2 new computers that will work with windows vista and upgrade a few computers from XP to vista at the small business I work at. I also get a lot of questions about office 2007.

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