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The TEC Cooler came, let's OC this FX-55!


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The temps did get a correction in a BIOS update quite a while ago if I remember correctly.

But I'm assuming you're running a newer BIOS than that anyway.


Which BIOS version are you running anyway?

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The temps did get a correction in a BIOS update quite a while ago if I remember correctly.

I think you're right Jammin. I'm trying to remember how the BIOS versioning went.... I think it was like 1.8 or something that got the temp fix. Anyways, I'd update your BIOS and see what happens. You can use the MSI LiveUpdate to do the flash straight from windows, which is nice. If that's still not right, I'm with Uber on getting a temp probe. A naked chip on that cooler should be at VERY comfortable temps.


Also, nice move with the IHS removal. I didn't expect you to jump to that so soon :)


For the OCing, I'd do it a little bit differently. If I were you, I'd start with the stock multi and OC the chip from there. Lowering the multi on an unlocked chip just kinda seems like a crime to me :P I'd put it at totally stock settings, except put the ram at 166 or 133. Then, boot windows and load up ClockGen. Then load up SuperPi as well. Step up the HTT by 5, run a few 1M tests, then a 4M test. If they pass, step it up again and run more SuperPi. That's how I do it. I like to catch my instabilities LONG before the machine won't boot. It just seems like constantly using unbootable settings is not a great idea. That'll save you time because you should only have to reboot when you change voltages. I always take lots of notes when I do it too, like this:


It seems like a waste of time to write it all down, but when you're a few days out trying to remember what settings you used before, it can really help. Just keep your ram on a big enough divider to keep it under 200 FSP and worry about the chip first.


After you find the top with SuperPi 4m, you can drop 5-10 HTT and start using Prime to test for true stability. But there's no sense in running 24 hrs of Prime in 5mhz intervals :P So I just use SuperPi for the initial climb.


Good luck with it, and be sure to keep us posted.

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I think you're right Jammin. I'm trying to remember how the BIOS versioning went.... I think it was like 1.8 or something that got the temp fix. Anyways, I'd update your BIOS and see what happens. You can use the MSI LiveUpdate to do the flash straight from windows, which is nice. If that's still not right, I'm with Uber on getting a temp probe. A naked chip on that cooler should be at VERY comfortable temps.


Yeah, I think it probably was 1.8 that corrected the temps.

I don't know about letting Liveupdate update the BIOS for you.

I'd grab a BIOS from Here then use the Winflash utility which is in the Liveupdate program folders.

(C:\Program Files\MSI\Live Update 3\FlashUty\Award).


The BIOS files available there have some useful modifications as well, such as giving you access to 183 and 150 RAM dividers.

Edited by jammin

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I really appreciate all of your info so far. So, right now I have a naked FX-55, a volt modded X-Connect for fan speeds, and I am checking my messages at the library! Right after my last post my Neo2 died. I mean DEAD! I broke out everything I had to test with today and it boiled down to the board. I don't mind getting a new board, I just don't want to have to buy a new video card. I really like my X850! I guess I'll have to sell it.


My wife and I talked about jumping into a C2D rig, but then we would also need new RAM, and I really can't do that right now. So, I guess I will be getting another 939 board with PCI-e. I was thinking of a DFI, but I'm not sure which one. I also don't know what to do about a video card right now either. hrrmmm....


Anyway, I assume that because the Eliminator has bolt down type retention mechanism, that I shouldn't have to make any modifications to accomodate a naked CPU, right?


Another problem I noticed was that the 4-pin 12v cable is located almost exactly underneath the HS for the pelts and really got in the way. The Neo2 does have an interesting layout, and that was a problem.


Anyway, give me some ideas guys, and then I can get it going again.

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i'd probably suggest picking up a dfi nf4 "lanparty" board or the asus (cfx3200) and an x1950pro... sell the x850... you can prob get the x1950 for near to $150, maybe even less... you'd get a fair bit back for the x850 on ebay, it's still in decent enough demand to get a good sale

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I really appreciate all of your info so far. So, right now I have a naked FX-55, a volt modded X-Connect for fan speeds, and I am checking my messages at the library! Right after my last post my Neo2 died. I mean DEAD! I broke out everything I had to test with today and it boiled down to the board. I don't mind getting a new board, I just don't want to have to buy a new video card. I really like my X850! I guess I'll have to sell it.


My wife and I talked about jumping into a C2D rig, but then we would also need new RAM, and I really can't do that right now. So, I guess I will be getting another 939 board with PCI-e. I was thinking of a DFI, but I'm not sure which one. I also don't know what to do about a video card right now either. hrrmmm....


Anyway, I assume that because the Eliminator has bolt down type retention mechanism, that I shouldn't have to make any modifications to accomodate a naked CPU, right?


Another problem I noticed was that the 4-pin 12v cable is located almost exactly underneath the HS for the pelts and really got in the way. The Neo2 does have an interesting layout, and that was a problem.


Anyway, give me some ideas guys, and then I can get it going again.



Well for the DFI Lanparty series they're all amazing boards and it really just depends on what your doing gfx wise.






SLI-DR Expert (if you plan on watercooling two cards or aftermarket air)





RDX200 (only for lower end xfire like x1600)



No matter what board you go with to get the most out of it you will want a new psu. It may be running fine with your rig now but Lanpartys are a whole new beast power consumption wise and you'll be adding a power hungry card with it

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I was looking at this for the motherboard. I think that the quality of build and the board layout will be a good match for my case and the TEC. I would also have room to setup an awesome SLI rig later. I'll have to hit Pricegrabber.


I'll stay in touch. Keep giving ideas!


Oh, and what about the issue with the naked CPU and the Eliminator? Will it be a problem?

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The SLI-DR is a great OC board (I have it), but if I were on the market right now for a board and vgu, I'd almost definately get the Asus 3200 chipset board. The main selling point is the spacing for 2 video cards. The SLI-DR is a squeeze, and isn't really possible if you want aftermarket cooling. You could get the Expert, but that's just more money. The Asus is cheaper than both. Plus, the ATi chipsets run a LOT cooler, which is nice. I have a VC-RE on my SLI-DR and it still runs around 43c full load. I guess that's not terrible, but it's hotter than I'd like.


So I guess I'm saying you should get a Asus A8R32-MVP and either a 1950pro or 1950xt :)

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wait until Bigred comes in here, he will be raving about how good the A8R32-MVP is. It seems to be a decent board, but please, NEVER get the normal A8R-MVP, I had one, it was the crappiest OCer I have ever owned! To the X1950Pro, if you get it, be sure to get an Accelero X2 cooled version, there's a ton of them out there. I made the mistake and didn't get one, and that got me a turbine into my PC (sound wise).


As far as the NVIDIA boards go, I had a SLI-DR Expert, and it was the best board I ever owned! OCed like no other, lots of spacing for SLI (had 2x 7800GTs with Arctic Silencers on 'em). Nothing much around the socket that would block you cooler, so you should be more than fine.

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