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Prime Stable But Cant Boot Sometimes?


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How come sometimes when i try to OC i can get it stable for 12+ hours in orthos but with the same settings it occasionally doesn't boot and then sometimes it does? Does Orthos not completely check if a system is stable? I haven't crashed yet, it just doesn't boot at the right setting occasionally.

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hmm thats funny that kinda what my evga 680i does .. ran Orthos stable for 24 hours yet some times it crashe just after the bios flash screen .. you have to spam the rest butten for 20secs and it works fine.. the some times ill run Orthos and ill get errors after 3mins when they are the same setting it ran on for 24hours!

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Im sorry but what does RMA stand for?


and where is the sexiest asian on OCC? maybe he could tell us when its not booting, does he even get video, etc...we dont know if its in the middle of loading windows or if its when he is trying to go though POST

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Sounds like alot of the same thing going around on the nvidia reference spec boards.


My eVGA board has failed to start up for the past 2 days... All I get is the yellow light <_<


GRRR, eVGA tech support says "Difficult to say, says PSU and RMA" So it looks like I'm RMAing

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Add the GA-965G-DS3 to the list of none booting and none O.C. I will find out if the DQ6 needs to be on the list also in a little later, I have run out of empty places on the KVM switch's going to have to move a couple of folding rigs to the office tomorrow. :)

Edited by road-runner

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