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Tuniq Tower


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Just in case anyone is considering upgrading your cpu cooling you may want to give the Tuniq Tower a try. Yes its big, Yes you have to remove the motherboard to install it but it is so worth it. My load temps with my Big Typhoon and Silverstone FM121 fan would be in the neighboorhood of 55 to 58c in my nice warm room. Now i have 42c with dual folding running with no change in ambient temps. I did install the same silverstone fan on the Tuniq tower so the comparison was valid between the two heatsinks. I'm impressed and decided to share the joy!!

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Im kicking myself right now (well after I type I will be), I saw that beast at radioshack just a few days ago. I should have picked it up! You peaked my interest and reviews on Google look really good.

Edited by SMeeD

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if radioshack does sell the tower the that will prove my point of even a radio shack heatsink is better than anything TT can put on the market


but congrats on the temp drop


I was mistaken, I think the Big Typhoon is what I saw. I was consumed by its size but didnt take too close of a look. IMO they look similar from an angle but I still feel dumb for missing the name.


So it looks like a radio shack heatsink isnt better than TT. Now that I think about it, it had to be BT because that whole shelf of the store was TT products.



The Tuniq Tower makes my XP-90 feel like its the stock cooler :|

Edited by SMeeD

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