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Deny God Free Dvd...


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not gonna argue with folks on thier religious beliefs... everyone is entitled to their own in my book.



but let me throw out a hypothetical question here. what does it hurt to believe? so what if I tried to be a good person and believed in something that helped make me a better person? did it hurt? what if I'm wrong?


at least I tried and made an ever so small possitive impact on the world. can't find a proble with that. so I die and it's over. oh well.




now on the flip side, say I do denounce faith. what if I'm wrong? one act could condemn me for all eternity no matter how good of a person I was. was it worth it? was a 50/50 gamble's results worth it? say that is the right answer... hmmm looks like the same result as being wrong with faith.

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not gonna argue with folks on thier religious beliefs... everyone is entitled to their own in my book.

but let me throw out a hypothetical question here. what does it hurt to believe? so what if I tried to be a good person and believed in something that helped make me a better person? did it hurt? what if I'm wrong?



As we discussed in one of the old-old religion threads, those who find it easy to denounce religion are typically those whose lives do not contain the hardships that and struggles that require one to subscribe to a religion, and there's nothing wrong with that, but when it gets to the point where those anti-religion people look down or frown upon those who do believe in a certain religion, that's when it crosses the threshold of being an independent thinker to being an ignorant ###hat. The same goes the other way. There are some people in certain religious groups who try and go around saying that those who do not believe in their religion are going to suffer in the after-life. They too are ignorant ###hats. To each his own. I don't look down on those who are religious, just as I don't look down on those who don't believe in being part of a religion. It's the ones on both sides who think that those who don't theologically think exactly as they do are "wrong" who are the ignorant ones.

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I'm all for criticizing any belief or religion. Christianity makes some pretty ridiculous claims and a lot of people wouldn't mind if the United State's laws were based on biblical scripture. Then again, there's also a ton of people who think this mindset is insane and they're showing it by ridiculing the Bible verses. Now, if God starts smiting these heretic fools left and right over the next few months, there might be reason to give these Christian ideas some consideration, but I doubt anything will happen. Of course, if they all survive that wouldn't be definitive proof there is no God, but I support these heathens nonetheless. Many Christians don't realize how silly their beliefs seem from people who have a different point of view, and this is a good way to get that point across. Our world's religions aren't exactly friendly to each other, and if they are allowed just run their course, uncriticized, there will likely be much more trouble to deal with than some fools with webcams. At least that's how I see it.

Edited by gunak87

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Biggest problem with religion is everyone MUST be right. All other religions are wrong according to people who believe in religion. This ends up being in wars or just hatred of a person simply because of religion.


I personally believe in a God some where out there, yet I dislike anyone who is very religious. I don't believe in Jesus being anyone special, just a nice person who lived a long time ago. Oh well, we all have personal beliefs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why is it that all this is regarding main stream, media focused, hypocritical stuff that you see the Westboro Baptist Church preachings? Whenever someone blabs on about how bad and evil religion is, they're able to focus on a couple of points:



Middle East


Ignore the millions of people who volunteer and start charities in the name of God. Ignore the people who go out and SAVE LIVES because they were taught in religion that helping others is what they were made to do. Ignore the fact that a large amount of charities and such are run by religious people, who started them because of their religion.


Yes, ignore all that. Ignore the fact that most "religious wars" only used religion as a catalyst in their propaganda to help with the war. The New Testament doesn't state anything along the lines of murder and plunder. If you'll pull the "Then why obey the Ten Commandments if you won't obey all of the Old Testament," then you should know that the New Testament has a quote by Jesus saying that his followers should not forget the teachings of the ancient Prophets. So how do you obey his teachings and remember the teachings of the prophets of age? You obey the teachings back then that apply to his teachings.


If you're wondering about all the sacrifices and such, it was before the Crucifixion, which was the ultimate sacrifice to infinitely forgive mankind for their sins, present past and future. No more blood was to be spilt in the name of God.



Now, regarding MY beliefs... I'm a Pagan. I don't believe in everything the Bible says, but I do know what it says and what it doesn't say. I'm very much a believer in spirituality after an event tonight. But I know that you don't care at all about my beliefs. Nor do I care about yours. So my point is, why don't atheists stop being hypocrites and trying to force their beliefs on others the same way that the ones they're attacking are? Wait, not all atheists are like that. NEITHER ARE ALL RELIGIOUS FOLK, GASP!

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KB, very well put.



I find the statement about the ten commandments to be a nice starting point for my next rant on this subject. and no it's not directed at anyone. it's just the way I see things... agree or disagee... fine by me.


the ten commandmnets... 10 guidelines. very simple ones too. basically states that you should treat others as you'd want to be treated.


I don't go out and kill anyone cuz I really don't feel like getting killed. I don't steal cuz I don't want people stealing from me. I don't sleep with my neighbor's wife cuz I sure as heck don't want him sleeping with mine. see a pattern here?


it's the same in EVERY religion. doesn't matter if some guy carved them into stone tablets and carried them down from a mountain, was told by the voices in his head, an alien being, or the trash can next to his desk. the concept remains unchanged.


does following these guidelines mean I'll be rewarded when I die? I hope so. but if I'm wrong at least I did my part to make my life and everyone elses better.




now I was raised catholic. I went to a catholic school K-8 and almost did 4 more years of it. my family, including me, is still VERY involved in the church. I consider the pastor at my church a good friend. but I can also say I have very close friends who practice other faiths. and I have absolutely NO problem with thier faiths. I dont' claim to fully understand some of thier practices... but I still don't understand them all in the catholic church either. I don't question them, I just accept them as thier own way of trying to make themselves a better person. just as long as they don't tell me I'm wrong or do anyone any harm... it's all fine in my book. same even goes for not believing in any higher being what so ever. it's your choice.


I also find bible thumpers and those who slam any religion to be the scum of the earth. how can a person who tells others they're wrong for trying to be a better person consider themselves a good person? it's just not logical

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KB, very well put.

Agreed. It's an excellent point. On the whole, I'll be the first to admit I've got some major beefs with Christianity in its current incarnation, but that doesn't mean that I dislike all Chrisitans. Just because you disagree with a religion in some way doesn't mean that it's people are bad. There are plenty of GREAT people in any religion. It's just like politics. I have plenty of great friends that I happen to completely disagree with on political points. Does that mean I should hate them?


it's the same in EVERY religion. doesn't matter if some guy carved them into stone tablets and carried them down from a mountain, was told by the voices in his head, an alien being, or the trash can next to his desk. the concept remains unchanged.


does following these guidelines mean I'll be rewarded when I die? I hope so. but if I'm wrong at least I did my part to make my life and everyone elses better.

That's also a great point. Apart from a few weddings, I haven't set foot in a church in over a decade, but I still completely agree with all 10 of these "guidelines". They're just 10 steps towards being a decent person. Honestly, if someone needs a 2000 year old book to tell them these 10 "rules", they have bigger issues. The Christians may have been the first to officially trademark and package these rules for mass marketting, but every major religion will teach the same basic beliefs.

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