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Frankly i think almost any kind of life is better than being wormfood. I think that suicide is a cowards way out plain and simple. I have had alot of hard things to deal with in my life but that is only from my perspective. To someone else my life might seem blessed or easy it is all a matter of perspective.

for example

Sure joe soandso's life sux to him, he is a low income worker in a big city and he just scrapes by and none of his dreams happened, he thinks about killing himself to end his percieved misery. But look from the perspective of a starving etheopian of or anyone else even less fortunate than joe. They would give anything to have the "miserable existance" joe is willing to sacrifice because life didn't go his way. I think alot of people just don't realize how lucky they are to be where the are or even who they are.


And I am losing track of my point now so i am gonna stop before a make an even bigger . of myself.


j5 out

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who cares if your life is better than some african's??? I mean all that says is

you dont understand the person who killed themself, blaming them

because they did not want to live because they are better off than

an ethiopian???


another thing, you people act like a human dieing is the worst thing possible...

I mean people die all the time, why should it matter if one person wants to decide

his own fate instead of waiting out his life misserably???

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Volcom, how can you say such things with someone who pours their heart out above, saying they struggle and have struggled with suicide. Possibly the most horible thing I've seen in print. And I've read Hitler's Manifesto cover to cover. People are so insensitive to others and their problems. I hope someone treats you better if you ever consider doing yourself in. Give others hope. There really is alot to live for in this life. May everyone find that joy to live by. No matter what death is only a miserable end to it all, when you could be gave and give so much more to the rest of the world.

Blessings and Hope to you Xboarder. May you find some happiness too VolcomPimp b/c I see you being quite unhappy in most of your posts in the alley section. Please don't write me off and ###### about what I've said as you usually do. Read and really try to be understanding to what I am trying to convey to you.

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I am sorry roble that your friends commited suicide...I know that must have been hard for you to deal with and yes it may be selfish but it's there life...in life you have to watch out for yourself you have to love yourself otherwise...you can't love anyone else. Oh and Xboarder right now i think you have the best post on this entire site (I am also sorry your friend killed himself) BUt for some people life is a battle and not just a physical one I mean what about the people that have mental disorders and can't get help and they sit there all the time and they :( cry for no reason and they hurt inside...and there is no one to help them because no matter how hard everyone tries it doesn't mean crap. And even if they do get help and some doctor puts them on meds they really aren't happy still...inside they still dont want to wake up. Once they go off the meds they won't be "fine" anymore...then what ya I know "taking your life" isn't the answer but some people choose it. And ya do listen to people if they are going to commit suicide because otherwise they just might do it...and then you can't blame them they asked for help but you wern't there to give it...

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Of course you have the right to suicide, it's your body, and you can do whatever the hell you want with it. I don't think I'd ever do it, but I'm probably not faced with as many of the emotional challenges that someone who does commit suice faces

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U guys are right, i am Mormon and I craping hate my life because of every craping person in the craping world criticizing me of my religion that I was born into with out choice, I wake every morning and get up take a shower and put my pants on one leg at a time

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another thing, you people act like a human dieing is the worst thing possible...

I mean people die all the time, why should it matter if one person wants to decide

his own fate instead of waiting out his life misserably???

If some day you have kids and one of them commit suicide will it matter?

Any way I guess you

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No matter what death is only a miserable end to it all, when you could be gave and give so much more to the rest of the world.

Blessings and Hope to you Xboarder. May you find some happiness too VolcomPimp b/c I see you being quite unhappy in most of your posts in the alley section. Please don't write me off and ###### about what I've said as you usually do. Read and really try to be understanding to what I am trying to convey to you.

I don't see how you can say death is miserable... you've never experienced it. I don't believe in heaven or hell, but I do believe that life continues in some way after death, so I don't see how you can make a judgement on a topic you don't know so much about.

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another thing, you people act like a human dieing is the worst thing possible...

I mean people die all the time, why should it matter if one person wants to decide

his own fate instead of waiting out his life misserably???

If some day you have kids and one of them commit suicide will it matter?

Any way I guess you

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the only reason id kill myself is if i had a terminal ilness. Everythign else is fixable. And it wouldnt be a car full of exaust, before i died, when im all weak and shiza, id jump outta a high altitude plane, without a parachute and float around for a minute or so and enjoy life to the fullest. And id of cource be sure to land on my head cause i wouldnt want to be one in a billion ot land and survive without a parachute after breaking every bone in yer body. Hehe my thoughts :withstupid:

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