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Dice Stacking


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the momentum of the dice keeps them spinning against the side of the cup. then as he picks up more dice...yea thats as far as i can get :P


I'm guessing it wouldn't take more than a day to actually be able to do this to some degree

Edited by sdy284

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That is impressive to say the least... there has to be some kinda of trick, something to do with the constant movment of his hand... its 5AM so im not willing to give a poke at right now ;)

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the momentum of the dice keeps them spinning against the side of the cup.
That is impressive to say the least... there has to be some kinda of trick, something to do with the constant movment of his hand...


Come on, I thought we had science/physics nuts on this board :P. It's call centrifugal force.


However, yeah, as sdy said, after that...how he gets them to stack up perfectly...um, yeah :blink:

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