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Seattle Airport Removes Christmas Trees


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If the town had been predominately Jewish they would have put up Menorahs. In my opinion its all relative to where your living. Im going to hate on the airport for not letting the Rabbi put up his decorations, at the same time Im going to hate on the Rabbi for blowing up.


Im going to have to say I would have liked things to stay neutral but Im going to give the airport the benefit of the doubt and say they took down the decorations because it was cheaper. In a perfect world I would have the citizens pay for and pick out the decorations because if there was a lack of one type, the only people to blame would be the ones celebrating that certain holiday.

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at some point people have forgotten that we have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.it seems that in our pitifully politically correct world we will do things to satisfy 10% of the population, even if the result offends 90% of the population.the airport has ended up offending a large part of the population, because a few were offended.if you do not think there are large numbers of people who observe Christmas as a holiday, without any thought whatsoever of the religious signifigance, you are just mistaken.there are even counties here in the south petitioning courts to allow the stores to be open, against the blue laws, becuase Christmas Eve falls on Sunday this year.since Christmas Eve is the largest shopping day of the year, they do not want to see all the lost revenue.i am quite sure they are doing this to observe the birth of Christ...please...

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decorated pine trees have absolutely zilch to do with christianity. If it was a pine tree with a star on top and little angel ornaments, I would semi-understand where the rabbi was coming from. It's the fact that these were plain pine trees with lights and red ribbons on them that makes me question all of this. A decorated pine tree is a sign of the American holiday spirit. Take a poll of people with christmas trees in their houses. Ask how many of them attend church regularly. Ask how many of them put this tree up to praise Jesus. A very small percentage of the respondents will say that a Christmas tree has anything to do with Christian tradition. Hell, I know some evangelicals down the street who are so conservative that they don't even put up a Christmas tree as they see it as taking away from the true meaning of Christmas. This rabbi is an idiot and deserves a swift boot in the . The Christmas tree is the universal symbol of the American holiday season, and I don't see why that should change just because some rabbi tries tie Christmas and the holiday season into one. I say this every year, and I'll say it again:


If having to look at a Christmas tree is seen as persecution in someone's eyes, they have deeper issues.


This rabbi is obviously trying to make up for his shortcomings by bullying around Christmas trees like this. ;) (new emoticons, w00t!)

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There's an interesting video on MSN.


The most interesting thing I found was how 95% of people aren't offended by a store clerk that says Merry Christmas, yet 1/3 are put off by one that says Happy Holidays. All that tells me is that Christians are a bunch of babies and can't accept any other beliefs, but non-Christians don't have a problem if they're told to have a Merry Christmas even if they don't celebrate it. (And yes, I'm just generalizing, I'm not pointing fingers).


Also, skip to the end of the video if you want to see what the trees look like...they're most certainly "Christmas-y"


PS. The video also states how the Port Authority was the one that over-reacted, yet you are all quick to jump on the rabbi.

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The most interesting thing I found was how 95% of people aren't offended by a store clerk that says Merry Christmas, yet 1/3 are put off by one that says Happy Holidays. All that tells me is that Christians are a bunch of babies and can't accept any other beliefs, but non-Christians don't have a problem if they're told to have a Merry Christmas even if they don't celebrate it. (And yes, I'm just generalizing, I'm not pointing fingers).

I think that points out the concensus of the American people rather than the fact that Christians are a bunch of whiny babies. Considering 78% of the country identify themselves as Christians, the fact that 95% of the country is not offended by hearing the word "Christmas"... or viewing Christmas trees... shows that the Christmas tree is not part of the religious celebration as much as it is part of the part of the year when families gather together to exchange gifts under the tree. Don't get the name of the "christmas tree" confused with the religious celebration. They have absolutely nothing to do with one another. The name "christmas tree" simply came to existence because of the celebration of Christmas and this family gathering conveniently coincided with one another (I know it's hard to believe, but this name "christmas tree" was dubbed back before half the population had a politically correct sock shoved up their . )


Also, skip to the end of the video if you want to see what the trees look like...they're most certainly "Christmas-y"


Sorry I just aint seeing it. Red bows, lights, snowflakes... No "PRAISE GOD" or "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS" posters on them... at least from what I can see.


PS. The video also states how the Port Authority was the one that over-reacted, yet you are all quick to jump on the rabbi.


The port authority wasn't the one threatening to sue the port authority if completely neutral christmas decorations were left up without a very un-neutral menorah to accompany them. The christmas tree is the universal symbol of the holiday season, while a menorah is is clearly a symbol of judaism. As the scary lady at the end of the video said, "put them all up! 'Tis the season right? Mauauahahhah!!" OK, if we are going to stretch the symbolism of a christmas tree to signify christianity and place menorahs up with them, we have to also place precious little symbols from all religions up in the airports. It's what they call a value judgement:


menorah.jpg Happy Hannukah


islam_symbol.jpg Happy 'Eid-ul-Fitr


index.4.gif Happy Bodhi Day!


kwanzaa.jpg Happy Kwanzaa!


and of course we can't forget.... p90395_1.jpg Merry Christmas


Hell at this rate, the Virgin mobile commercials are right. We're going to be saying "Happy ChristmaHannuKwanzica!" within the next 5 years.

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