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Seattle Airport Removes Christmas Trees


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I'm appalled at the comments on this board. I thought this board was full of open-minded individuals; I guess I was mistaken.


This isn't the Rabbi's fault, this is direct prejudice from the Seattle Port Authority. Instead of adding a perfectly reasonable request of a Menorah, they instead take down the Christmas Trees?! If that's not prejudice, I don't know what is.


And a Christmas tree isn't a religious symbol? Yeah, I know a lot of non-Christians with Christmas trees :rolleyes:

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Christmas is a religious holiday for those who embrace it in that fashion.

it is also a seasonal holiday in the US and elsewhere around the world.

i suppose that anyone who is not a practicing christian should not observe the holiday in any fashion.

that means no days, off, no christmas bonuses, pretty much no hoilday whatsoever.

there are millions in the US that observe the holiday, with no thought of christianity ever entering their mind.

i can see directly associating a nativity scene with christianity, but a tree that is a symbol of a seasonal holiday only, for the vast majority of people, is a stretch IMO...

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Christmas is a religious holiday for those who embrace it in that fashion.

it is also a seasonal holiday in the US and elsewhere around the world.

i suppose that anyone who is not a practicing christian should not observe the holiday in any fashion.

that means no days, off, no christmas bonuses, pretty much no hoilday whatsoever.

there are millions in the US that observe the holiday, with no thought of christianity ever entering their mind.

i can see directly associating a nativity scene with christianity, but a tree that is a symbol of a seasonal holiday only, for the vast majority of people, is a stretch IMO...

Do you think non-Christians always have a choice as to whether we get Christmas off or not? I'd much rather get off for 8 days of Chanukah :P.


It's called a Christmas tree for a reason, to think it signifies anything else is naive. I don't have anything against Christmas or displaying Christmas trees, but it's reasonable to request a PUBLIC place to display Chanukah decorations if they plan on displaying Christmas decorations. If it's just a tree with plan white lights (like is often the case outside in NYC), then I can see that being just a regular "winter" thing, but if it has ornaments or star/angel on top, it's clearly a Christmas tree.

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didn't the "post-solstice winter celebration" trees at the Seattle airport simply have lights and red bows on them? Seems kinda neutral to me.


EDIT: WAIT no... NOT NEUTRAL! Red ribbons? RED ribbons? That is the commonly accepted symbol for HIV awareness. That's it... I am offended! I demand that they place yellow ribbons to signify support for our fighting me, and pink ribbons to raise breast cancer awareness, or else I am going to sue them.

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things signify what you perceive them to signify.my point being there are millions that observe Christmas as a holiday, and do not associate it with the birth of Christ...

And those people are either


1. Idiots

2. Victims of consumerism

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I don't think the support of any religion should be flaunted in a public place like the airport, but if it is, what's the big deal? Let the jews put up their decorations, and let the christians put up theirs. Obviously, like others have said already, you can't satisfy everyone's religion at the same time. So either, satisfy your own in a modest way (if in a public place, but if its in your home - hell, go nuts), or don't put anything (at least, religion based). It's sad how much ignorance surrounds our cultures perception of differences in religion and ethnicity, so to sensor it, would be giving up on the fight for knowledge, understanding, and tolerance.

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hmm, that's strange... i don't recall Mary and Joseph putting tinsel and lights on a fir tree in Bethlehem... oh, maybe the 3 wise men brought one down from Scandinavia or something... that must be it...


right around then a big fat man in a red suit turned up with a load of Coca-Cola... ho ho ho :lol:

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