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Socket 775 Oc Competition Thread

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E6600 @ 3402MHz




Thermalright Ultra-120 Extreme (Air)


I think that I have a problem with my BIOS because I attempt to raise the Voltage of the CPU and the BIOS says that it does, however when I take a look at CPU-Z, it does not move up at all, or if it does, it wont go to the voltage that I had set it at, can someone give me some insight as to what my problem could possibly be?

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I think that I have a problem with my BIOS because I attempt to raise the Voltage of the CPU and the BIOS says that it does, however when I take a look at CPU-Z, it does not move up at all, or if it does, it wont go to the voltage that I had set it at, can someone give me some insight as to what my problem could possibly be?

Please, never use software to measure voltage. Especially not CPU-Z. That is the problem. I'm running 1.45V (1.4V actual) and CPU-Z says 1.15V. Just go by the BIOS or get a $5-10 DMM from Harbor Freight or Radioshack and measure on the mobo.

Edited by Bleeble

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Ok, so that furthers my question as to why I cannot make my comp stable...


I was running everything perfect at 3402MHz, however I attempted to raise it to 3600 (400*9) and it would continuously be unstable according to OCCT and this would be determined after a total of 3min into the OCCT testing...that includes the 1 min "monitoring" stage. I raised the voltage from the "auto" or stock setting of 1.350v to 1.450 and it would still not become stable...there is a 1:1 CPU to RAM divider set so my current RAM Frequency is at 378MHz while my FSB is set at 1512MHz.


Would changing it from (400*9) to (450*8) help at all? would setting the FSB voltage to +0.10v or higher help with this? what about changing any other voltage, all my voltage is set to the "auto" or stock settings...


Any insight or help into how to reach 3600+ MHz would be greatly appreciated. I'm still sitting around 41-45*C on air with a Full load at 3402MHz clock speed...


Sorry if it seems as if I were rambling on and on...Im just trying to give all the information that I possibly could, if I left anything out, let me know and I can fetch that piece of information.


Thanks in advance guys!

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E6600 @ 3402MHz




Thermalright Ultra-120 Extreme (Air)


I think that I have a problem with my BIOS because I attempt to raise the Voltage of the CPU and the BIOS says that it does, however when I take a look at CPU-Z, it does not move up at all, or if it does, it wont go to the voltage that I had set it at, can someone give me some insight as to what my problem could possibly be?

There is a new version of cpuz beta here and it will read the voltages where the older version will not. How accurate it is I am not sure.

Edited by road-runner

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Ok, so that furthers my question as to why I cannot make my comp stable...


I was running everything perfect at 3402MHz, however I attempted to raise it to 3600 (400*9) and it would continuously be unstable according to OCCT and this would be determined after a total of 3min into the OCCT testing...that includes the 1 min "monitoring" stage. I raised the voltage from the "auto" or stock setting of 1.350v to 1.450 and it would still not become stable...there is a 1:1 CPU to RAM divider set so my current RAM Frequency is at 378MHz while my FSB is set at 1512MHz.


Would changing it from (400*9) to (450*8) help at all? would setting the FSB voltage to +0.10v or higher help with this? what about changing any other voltage, all my voltage is set to the "auto" or stock settings...


Any insight or help into how to reach 3600+ MHz would be greatly appreciated. I'm still sitting around 41-45*C on air with a Full load at 3402MHz clock speed...


Sorry if it seems as if I were rambling on and on...Im just trying to give all the information that I possibly could, if I left anything out, let me know and I can fetch that piece of information.


Thanks in advance guys!

My first piece of advice would be to start a new topic instead of hijacking this one. ;) Your questions are more likely to get more attention, provided you have a good title (not something like "help me OC" :rolleyes:).


Second, take smaller steps! Jumping from 3.4 to 3.6 GHz is ridiculous. You may need to increase your vCore, vMCH (chipset), vFSB, and vDIMM. Nobody can tell you "this is what you need to be stable..." You have to experiment and figure things out for yourself.

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no need to start a new topic, go on and hijack this one, that's also what it's for :)


anyways, I'm about to update them scores, watch me get onto this again these days :P


[Edit] gotdamojo, you need to run the SuperPI again, on both cores, so dual instances.

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King, as requested, here is a dual instance SS of my OC at 3400MHz as well as a CPU-Z SS of both the RAM and CPU tabs :)




Will be pushing further soon :)






You can post either 3400MHz or 3830MHz (according to windows) I noticed this when I was going into the device manager and thought I should post this...



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nsillej, I'm gonna have to take that score out, cause it's just way too fast for your specs! With that loose RAM timings, 2T and only 3996MHz, you're not running dual instances at 13.125 seconds! You have to run them both simultaneously, not consecutively.

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