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Socket 775 Oc Competition Thread

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alrighty fueler, that does look like the extra 2MB kick butt! Nice chip there mate!


Drager, welcome to OCC, dang nice speeds you got there mate! However, for this competition you need to run dual instances of SuperPI. I don't know if this was a one-time run, but if not, you might still want to get into this :)

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Hi King


Could you please change my Super PI scores 1M & 32M to reflect the scores below? After rereading the post I have discovered that I am also guilty of not running the test properly. The scores below are with two instances running at the same time (or at least as close as I could click on both of them) I ran Task Manager at the same time to show that both were running. (don't know if or how that effects the score) It also took me a while to figure out that you have to run each instance from a different folder since two instances can't share the same text file (I kept getting a "not convergent in sqr05" error before I finally figured that out)


Edit: Forgot the specs.....3200Mhz, 1.40vcore, 4-4-4-12 @ 400x8



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Ahhh, so I thought ;) scratch the tomorrow morning, adding it now!


[edit] Dang man, you still beat me to it by 4 seconds on that 32M run :P


Thanks for fixing that.....the scores won't help anybody if they aren't accurate B:)

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so in between studying for exams, I did get 5 minutes to update this thread! Nice cooling, and definetly a NICE 8800GTS/GTX, whichever one the store decided to send you!


I added the OCCT run and the suicide shot, but for the SuperPI, remember that you have to run dual instances! :)

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I'm bringing this thread back up as I am burning in a new overclock, which I hope turns out stable. I am running Orthos right now. I am using the system in my sig. So far it is at 400*9 with the RAM @ 1:1 Link/Sync. All of my voltages are @ 1.5v except for the memory voltage. This has hardly changed my temps at all. Going from 3.2 to 3.6 with higher volts has only raised the temps a few degrees.


If it fails Orthos, does anyone have any suggestions on were to go next to get it stable? Also, I cannot get Super Pi to run dual instances. Do you have to have the .exe files in two different folders to run two of them at the same time?

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