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Socket 775 Oc Competition Thread

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You have some serious juice going through that board. I should be able to push my cpu pretty hard with my TEC Cooler. How did you know when to stop pushing the FSB voltage and give the vcore a boost, or vice versa?

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I remember when I put 1.85 into my socket A! :lol: Even with a TEC cooler I still don't know if I would push that kind of juice. C2D is really new to me. Why is there a FSB voltage and a vcore?

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I remember when I put 1.85 into my socket A! :lol: Even with a TEC cooler I still don't know if I would push that kind of juice. C2D is really new to me. Why is there a FSB voltage and a vcore?

I think the FSB volts are part of the MB chip set. Vcore is for the cpu only.

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I think I need to do some suicide super pi runs today, I went over to the main ig this morning and my CPU temps were 10C lower than last night...the sudden drop from 80F + weather to 20-30F @ night around here the past two days has given me my extreme cooling. I <3 open windows in "cold" weather. wonder if i should do all out mhz on the Ballistix, or see how far I can take it 4-4-4-12 1T :D Afterall the 1T seems to give a very nice real world advantage. then again I may just set unlinked again and shoot for excessive CPU speeds. :) Yeah that's always fun.

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I think I need to do some suicide super pi runs today, I went over to the main ig this morning and my CPU temps were 10C lower than last night...the sudden drop from 80F + weather to 20-30F @ night around here the past two days has given me my extreme cooling. I <3 open windows in "cold" weather. wonder if i should do all out mhz on the Ballistix, or see how far I can take it 4-4-4-12 1T :D Afterall the 1T seems to give a very nice real world advantage. then again I may just set unlinked again and shoot for excessive CPU speeds. :) Yeah that's always fun.

Might as well take advantage of the cool weather. Its been cool here also. We went from 80s to 30-40F also. Even got sleet, just north of us got snow in Texas. :D

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