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Whos Myspace Is Best?


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Notice how the people that talk down on myspace are the ones that haven't got lives anyway, nothing better to do than ruin it for everyone else..


Wow, i didn't realize you knew every OCC member well enough to know all the information about their personal lives and why don't like myspace! :rolleyes:


Obviously, you have much more of a life than they do.


Why do I hate myspace? I hate it because:


a) It's much slower than my preferred alternative (facebook)

b) It always seems to have problems or errors (with the site itself, i'm not even talking about people's half-assed coding that doesn't even work/look right)


But hey, what the hell do i know...i'm just some anti-myspace loser that has no life :rolleyes:

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activeslaps, your text and input text box do not line up with your layout at 1600x1200 or probably ANY RESOLUTION that isn't 1280x1024


i don't care enough about myspace to do a proper custom css layout... so i just hand edited the "default" layout and it looks good enough that i'm not embarrassed by it lol



myspace is invaluable for keeping contacts all over the world (for people you already know) - it's like an online address book of sorts to me :)


yea for some reson i use 1280 x 720, and it doesnt line up for me either but on 1024 x 768 its perfect. so i do not know and i cant fig it out

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Wow, i didn't realize you knew every OCC member well enough to know all the information about their personal lives and why don't like myspace! :rolleyes:


Obviously, you have much more of a life than they do.


Why do I hate myspace? I hate it because:


a) It's much slower than my preferred alternative (facebook)

b) It always seems to have problems or errors (with the site itself, i'm not even talking about people's half-assed coding that doesn't even work/look right)


But hey, what the hell do i know...i'm just some anti-myspace loser that has no life :rolleyes:



I had a feeling you would respond in such a way, in fact I come to expect such a reply from at least one of the OCC anti-myspace drones. Nicely done. You can't blame myspace for the bad design of some people's sites, that's down to the idiots making them, nor can you blame them for the slow loading times. How would you like to manage something that big? Myspace has a network of probably over a million sites, of course it's not going to run a marathon every time you load a page.


If anything really, you've only shown to prove my point. People that are typically against myspace are pompous about it, to make themselves feel superior. There are newer and better social networking sites, but look who got the ball rolling to begin with. Not everyone goes to uni, so they can't have an account at facebook.

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Notice how the people that talk down on myspace are the ones that haven't got lives anyway, nothing better to do than ruin it for everyone else.. Myspace obviously has legitimate use to some people, be it a "place for stupid people to gather" or not, it's not the end of the world really, now is it, and complaining about it won't make it go away.


American telly gives myspace a lot bad criticism, which leads to more people hating it. If you've ever seen Dr. Phil, you'll know what I'm on about.


Sure, some of the sites are annoying, but look at the who that does that anyway; teenage girls, mostly. If you make your own, you control what it looks like.


Hmmmmm, yeah. I hate it for numerous reasons. None of which pertain to me having no life. There's these things called cell phones, text messages, email, etc... that you can actually use to keep in touch with people. I know it's hard to understand, but not everyone in the world is on the computer 24 hours a day to check their myspace messages. And thusly, it is a rather slow and tedious way to actually get in touch with people. If they are your "real" friends, you'll have their phone number. You talk about legitimate uses, but what is so freaking useful about it? All you can do is send a message, post a couple of pictures, and leave stupid comments on their page like "OMGZ U RXOR!!" Wow, yeah, great. And if you're using it to get in touch with people that you've lost contact with, great, but remember, there's a reason why you lost contact with that person in the first place.



Not everyone goes to uni, so they can't have an account at facebook.


Here you show your obvious lack of knowledge of facebook. They are now open to all, you don't need to go to "uni" to sign up.

Edited by andrusk

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I had a feeling you would respond in such a way, in fact I come to expect such a reply from at least one of the OCC anti-myspace drones. Nicely done. You can't blame myspace for the bad design of some people's sites, that's down to the idiots making them, nor can you blame them for the slow loading times. How would you like to manage something that big? Myspace has a network of probably over a million sites, of course it's not going to run a marathon every time you load a page.


If anything really, you've only shown to prove my point. People that are typically against myspace are pompous about it, to make themselves feel superior. There are newer and better social networking sites, but look who got the ball rolling to begin with. Not everyone goes to uni, so they can't have an account at facebook.


I fail to see where i blamed myspace itself for the bad design of people's sites. :blink:


Also, I CAN blame myspace for being slow when i'm just trying to login to my profile (meaning i'm not even viewing anyone's profile)


And I CAN blame them for giving me errors when i'm just trying to login to my profile...something that has nothing to do with poorly coded myspace profiles.


How was I being pompus? And why the hell would i need to make myself feel superior....superior to what? :blink: The only remotely "pompus" comments i made were towards you...not towards myspace.


And i wouldn't have to make such comments if you didn't make your own pompus statements about anyone who doesn't like myspace must have no life.


And facebook has been open to the public for a long time now. ;)


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The reason I dislike browsing[/] myspace is because of its speed. As long as the user doesnt have more than one song playing, clashing colors, or a multitude of annoying gifs then I would be more than happy to browse their page. The same goes for websites too.

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Mine was a design experiment more than anything.. the coding skills that came out of it will certainly be useful for other applications.


It's essentially v1.1 at the moment but will probably get an update at some point.


As for the myspace bashing thing, yes there are certainly a lot of problems with the site but just size of the network makes it kinda worth having a profile, whether you really use it or not.

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yea for some reson i use 1280 x 720, and it doesnt line up for me either but on 1024 x 768 its perfect. so i do not know and i cant fig it out

Doesn't work on 1280x1024 either.


Looking at the code (very) briefly, it's probably because you're using fixed starting positions. I'm guessing one of the divs (the one controlling the background image) is not fixed, while I saw your text is clearly fixed to start at certain coordinates, meaning no matter what your screen size, it's going to start there.

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