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Alright. I can use a program called ClockGen, made by the people who made CPUZ. I can overclock the processor mhz, but not the HTT multiplier. I made the mhz go from 2,200 to 2,500. Gave me about an extra 5-10fps in games. I went to 2,700 and my pc crashed so i figured I'd stay away from that. Right now I'm running at default speeds though, the extra FPS isnt really needed. However, I would like to overclock the processor, as its running really cool. (35^c idle in my warm room) (41^c in games).


I tried ATI Tool to see if it can read my video cards temperature, but it cant. (not interested in oc'ing the vga). How can I see the video cards temperatures?


I went into the BIOS, and I can find nothing relating to changing the CPU settings. it shows the CPU Speed and Cache RAM, but I cannot change anything. It's the Phoenix BIOS. Also the motherboard has overclock options like Overclock AI and Overclock NOS. Tried Overclock NOS @ 10% but didn't see any difference so put it back to normal.


CPUz shows my bus speed @ 200mhz, is this correct? Also a 11x multiplier, wich I think is what you said, so thats already correct.


I would like to run my games at a higher resolution and with Anti Aliasing, so I'm looking to increase my processor speed alot more to achieve this. It may not be a massive speed boost, but anything helps. I dont want to even attempt changing the clocks on my video card unless I can see the temperature.


Help with anything would be very appreciative!

Edited by TEK_Speedy

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Come on guys... a post like this would have never gone unanswered a year ago. Seriously, 90% of OCC has/had NF4 mobos. *sigh*


First of all, I suggest staying away from overclocking software. You're better off doing everything through the BIOS for the time being (i.e. until we're able to reliably change BIOS settings through software).


If you can see your VGA temps with ATI Tool (you should be able to), then try Powerstrip.


The options should be in your BIOS. Hopefully somebody else here has experience with that particular mobo and can help you more.


Yes, the FSB should be 200MHz and the multi should be 11.


You'd probably be better off forgetting the AA and just bumping up the resolution. I'd rather have 1280x1024 with no AA than 1024x768 with 4xAA.

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Well i don't know about finding the temperatures of an Ati card throught threir software as i have nvidia card and a temp monitor is built into its drivers. Maybe if you are worried about it overheating try an antec point and cool fan thing?


How close can you get to the 2700 without it crashing? Maybe onece you have established a good clock for your cpu you need to go work on the ram a bit before coming back to the cpu.


As bleeble said it is better to use the BIOS options rather than software as it is more realiable, however some people make smaller tweaks with software once they have found a rough area where their computer is just about at its limits.



Edited by Comp Dude2

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I think that the reason your computer is crashing at 2700 is because you weren't able to lower the HTT multi. Look around in the BIOS some more and see if you can find anything OC-related.

Edited by Bleeble

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Come on guys... a post like this would have never gone unanswered a year ago. Seriously, 90% of OCC has/had NF4 mobos. *sigh*

More than likely, the reason that this has gone unanswered is because anyone that has the knowledge doesn't want to write a three page "here's how you OC" post again.


Let's see what we've got so far...

How close can you get to the 2700 without it crashing? Maybe onece you have established a good clock for your cpu you need to go work on the ram a bit before coming back to the cpu.

Nope. Swing and a miss.


I think that the reason your computer is crashing at 2700 is because you weren't able to lower the HTT multi.

Probably true, but still missing the obvious.


also, in clockgen you cannot up your voltages, which is essential to overclocking. I would suggest you stay with the BIOS!

Even closer, but still off the major issue.


The issue is that you have no clue what you're doing. Clockgen is an excellent program for certain uses, but you're just using it like a giant dial that you can turn until your PC crashes. You need to take some time and read some guides. Learn about stability testing or your OC is never going to be right. Overclocking is not just cranking the FSB until games crash. A monkey can do that.


If you are seriously interested in learning how to overclock, then just say the word and plenty of people can point you in the right direction for some very good info. But if you're not willing to take the time and learn to do it right, I suggest you stay at stock speeds for the sake of both your sanity and your hardware.


I'm sorry if this is a little blunt, but if I had a dime for every person that just said "I wanted to OC so I change my FSB to 250 and now games crash".... well.... I'd have a lot of dimes.

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More than likely, the reason that this has gone unanswered is because anyone that has the knowledge doesn't want to write a three page "here's how you OC" post again.


Let's see what we've got so far...


Nope. Swing and a miss.

Probably true, but still missing the obvious.

Even closer, but still off the major issue.


The issue is that you have no clue what you're doing. Clockgen is an excellent program for certain uses, but you're just using it like a giant dial that you can turn until your PC crashes. You need to take some time and read some guides. Learn about stability testing or your OC is never going to be right. Overclocking is not just cranking the FSB until games crash. A monkey can do that.


If you are seriously interested in learning how to overclock, then just say the word and plenty of people can point you in the right direction for some very good info. But if you're not willing to take the time and learn to do it right, I suggest you stay at stock speeds for the sake of both your sanity and your hardware.


I'm sorry if this is a little blunt, but if I had a dime for every person that just said "I wanted to OC so I change my FSB to 250 and now games crash".... well.... I'd have a lot of dimes.



Edited by road-runner

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I read up a bit on my bios, and some of the things posted here and figured out how to overclock the cpu.


I overclocked it to 2.4ghz perfectly


(10x240). However, CPUz reads it as 2600mhz and a 11x multiplier. (I did this in the bios)



The core temperature is now 43^c when idle, and about 47^c at load. Is this a good temperature to stay at, or can I go further?

Edited by TEK_Speedy

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My room is very hot, thats why its higher. Right now my room is about 75-80^ F. It's winter and I like my room all warm :)


I turned the heater off a bit ago, now it's idling at 38-40^c. Once my room gets back to the "normal temperature" I think I may be just fine. I dont think I will be oc'ing it more actually. I tried one of my games out and I actually get about 5-10 FPS higher in some situations. (tested on Live For Speed).


Should I bother overclocking the PCI-E slot? It's default is 100mhz, but I bumped it to 120.


EDIT: I just turned on CPU-Z again, and it sais:




For everything I set in the BIOS, that doesn't look correct! I even double checked the BIOS. The multiplier is not 11!

Edited by TEK_Speedy

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I'm fairly certain that the stock multi is 11. Try clearing the CMOS and see if that changes anything. And OCing your PCI-E bus almost certainly won't do any good. In fact, it could toast your card(s).

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you have your HT (aka LDT) multi at 5x, causing your HT speed to be WAY above spec (1202MHz vs 1000MHz spec) and you should go ahead and change it to 4x for all HTT (FSB) speeds up to 250MHz, and then 3x for >250MHz...


this will be a MAJOR limiting factor for your overclocking efforts

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