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both my pentium 4 machines (one 3.2GHz prescott cpu, and another 2.4Ghz dell) are stuck doing 212x series, but so far I am still averaging about 100 PPD, may drop soon though. I would like to add more rigs, but we can barely afford the power bill as it is. hmmm...... might need to "borrow" a neighbors power...............hmmm


Thats a idea. :foldon:

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Well this is about the best i can do with the current amount of computers i have. I retired the Xp1700's this weekend but i will try and get the folks who get them to run them for me.


1 E6600 @3.51 x2 instances

1A64 3800x2 @ 2.55 x 2 instances

1A64 3700 @ 2.75

1A64 3200 @2.4

1 A64 3000@ 2.3

1 Opteron 148 @ 2.75

1 P4 1.6a @ 2.5

1 P4 2.4c @ 3.0

1 P4 3.0c

1 Xp2500 @ 2.2

1 XP1500

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I got the laptop apart the M.B. is shot but the processor looks good, its a P4 2.66/512/533 SL6S3 C1 stepping. I guess I should check it in one of my machines and if its good order a cheap M.B. and every thing else and put together another folding machine.



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I got the laptop apart the M.B. is shot but the processor looks good, its a P4 2.66/512/533 SL6S3 C1 stepping. I guess I should check it in one of my machines and if its good order a cheap M.B. and every thing else and put together another folding machine.





Road runner i think you have a penchant for burning up things!!! :thumbs-up:

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Road runner i think you have a penchant for burning up things!!! :thumbs-up:


I did not burn this one up :rolleyes: it was my dads he broke the screen about a year or so ago so I showed him how to hook up a regular monitor and mouse to it so he could get his files off of it. The other day when I was hooking up the machine I built for him he was asking me if I wanted it, he said he spilled something in it and it got wet and would not work no more and I forgot to get it. I was just going around checking my folding machines looking at that vacant spot on the KVM switch and no machine to put there and I thought about that laptop. :foldon:

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